es) 64,145 86
Total on hand and received $1,020,784 04
Freedmen's fund $7,411 32
Clothing, fuel, and subsistence 13,870 93
Farms (fencing, seeds, tools, etc.) 7,210 66
Labor (by freedmen and other employes) 426,918 12
Rent of buildings (offices, etc.) 50,186 61
Repairs of buildings 1,957 47
Contingent expenses 74,295 77
Rent of lands (restored) 9,260 58
Quartermaster's department 11 26
Internal revenue (tax on salaries) 7,965 22
Conscript fund 1,664 01
Transportation 22,387 01
Schools 115,261 56
Total expended $738,400 52
Balance on hand October 1, 1866 $282,383 52
In September, 1866, the Bureau had on hand:
Balance on hand of freedmen's fund $282,383 52
Balance of District destitute fund 18,328 67
Balance of appropriation 6,856,259 30
Total $7,156,971 49
Estimated amount due subsistence
department $297,000 00
Transportation reported unpaid 26,015 94
Transportation estimated due 20,000 00
Estimated amount due medical department 100,000 00
Estimated, amount due quartermaster's
department 200,000 00
$643,015 94
Total balance for all purposes of
expenditures $6,513,955 55
But the estimate of Gen. Howard for funds to run t