ious depositors was nearly
$284. So far as the facts were obtained, it appeared that about
seventy per cent. of the money drawn from these banks was invested in
real estate and in business.
By the financial statement of the banking company, for August, 1871,
it appears that in the thirty-four banks then in operation the
deposits made during that month, which was considered "dull," amounted
to $882,806.67, and that the total amount to the credit of the
depositors was $3,058,232.81. In the Richmond branch, the deposits
for that month were $17,790.60, and the total amount due depositors
was $123,733.75; all of which was to the credit of Colored people,
except $6,929.19. A branch shortly before had been established in
Lynchburg, which showed a balance due depositors of $7,382.83.
The following table shows the business of the company for the years
_Table Showing the Relative Business of the Company for Each Fiscal
For year ending Total amount of Total amount of Balance due
March 1. deposits. drafts. depositors.
--------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
1866 $305,167 00 $105,883 58 $199,283 42
1867 1,624,853 33 1,258,515 00 366,338 33
1868 3,582,378 36 2,944,079 36 638,299 00
1869 7,257,798 63 6,184,333 32 1,073,465 31
1870 12,605,781 95 10,948,775 20 1,657,006 75
1871 19,952,647 36 17,497,111 25 2,455,836 11
For year ending Deposits each Drafts each Gain each
March 1. year. year. year.
--------------- ------------- ------------- ------------
1866 $305,167 00 $105,883 58 $199,283 42
1867 1,319,686 33 1,152,631 42 167,054 91
1868 1,957,525 03 1,685,564 36 271,960 67
1869 3,675,420 27 3,240,253 96 435,166 31
1870 5,347,983 32 4,764,441 88 583,341 44
1871 7,347,165 41 6,548,336 05 798,829 36
The total amount of deposits received from the organization
of the company to October 1, 1871--six years
from the opening of the first branch--was $25,977,435 48
Total drafts during the same period were 22,850,926 47