For clothing, fuel, and subsistence 7,704 21
Farms 76,709 12
From rents of buildings 56,012 42
From rents of lands 125,521 00
From Quartermaster's department 12,200 00
From conscript fund 13,498 11
From schools (tax and tuition) 34,486 58
Total received 907,396 28
Freedmen's fund $8,009 14
Clothing, fuel, and subsistence 75,504 05
Farms 40,069 71
Household furniture 2,904 90
Rents of buildings 11,470 88
Labor (by freedmen and other employes) 237,097 62
Repairs of buildings 19,518 46
Contingent expenses 46,328 07
Rents of lands 300 00
Internal revenue 1,379 86
Conscript fund 6,515 37
Transportation 1,445 51
Schools 27,819 60
Total expended 478,363 17
Total amount received $907,396 28
Total amount expended 478,363 17
Balance on hand October 31, 1865 429,033 11
Deduct the amount held as retained bounties 115,236 49
Balance on hand October 31, 1865, available
to meet liabilities 313,796 62[121]
It was the policy of the Government to help the freedmen on to their
feet; to give them a start in the race of self-support and manhood.
They received such assistance as was given them with thankful hearts,
and were not long in placing themselves upon a safe foundation for
their new existence. Out of a population of 350,000 in North