eke > augment
smarts > pains
8 Than to reward my trusty true intent,
9 She gan for me devise a grievous punishment.
gan > did
To weet, that I my trauell should resume,
2 And with like labour walke the world around,
Ne euer to her presence should presume,
4 Till I so many other Dames had found,
The which, for all the suit I could propound,
6 Would me refuse their pledges to afford,
But did abide for euer chast and sound.
8 Ah gentle Squire (quoth he) tell at one word,
How many foundst thou such to put in thy record?
1 "To weet, that I my travel should resume,
To weet > To wit
travel > travel; travail
2 And with like labour walk the world around,
like > similar
3 Ne ever to her presence should presume
Ne ever > And never
4 Till I so many other dames had found,
so many > [the same number of]
5 Who, for all the suit I could propound,
6 Would me refuse their pledges to afford,
7 But did abide for ever chaste and sound."
abide > remain
8 "Ah, gentle squire," quoth he, "tell, at one word,
gentle > noble; gentle
9 How many found you such to put in your record?"
In deed Sir knight (said he) one word may tell
2 All, that I euer found so wisely stayd;
For onely three they were disposd so well,
4 And yet three yeares I now abroad haue strayd,
To find them out. Mote I (then laughing sayd
6 The knight) inquire of thee, what were those three,
The which thy proffred curtesie denayd?
8 Or ill they seemed sure auizd to bee,
Or brutishly brought vp, that neu'r did fashions see.
1 "Indeed, sir knight," said he, "one word may tell
2 All, that I ever found so wisely staid;
staid > faithful; staid
3 For only three they were disposed so well,
4 And yet three years I now abroad have strayed,
5 To find them out." "Might I" (then, laughing, said
6 The knight) "inquire of you, what were those three,
7 Which your proffered courtesy denied?
denied > refused
8 Or ill they seemed sure advised to be,
Or > Either
ill > badly, poorly
9 Or brutishly brought up, that never did fashions see."
The first which then refused me (said hee)
2 Certes was but a common Courtisane,
Yet flat refusd to haue a do with mee,
4 Because I could not giue her many a Iane.
(Thereat full hartely laughed _Satyrane_)
6 The second