e_, Johnson's projected translation, iv. 251.
See under MICKLE.
LUTHER, Martin, v. 217.
LUTON, iv. 128.
LUTON HOE, iv. 118, 127.
LUTTEREL, Colonel, ii. 111.
dread of it visionary, ii. 169-170;
money better spent on it than in almsgiving, iii. 56, 291;
no nation ever hurt by it, ii. 217-9;
produces much good, iii. 55;
querulous declamations against it, iii. 226;
every society as luxurious as it can be, iii. 282;
man not diminished in size by it, v. 358;
reaches very few, ii. 218;
Wesley attacks its apologists, iii. 56, n. 2.
_Lyce, To_, i. 178.
LYDIA, v. 220.
LYDIAT, Thomas, i. 194, n. 2; ii. 7.
LYE, Edward, ii. 17.
LYNNE REGIS, i. 141, 285.
LYONS, iii. 446.
LYSONS ----, of Clifford's Inn, iv. 402, n. 2.
LYTTELTON, George, first Lord,
Boothby, Miss, admired, iv. 57, n. 2;
Boswell's _Corsica_, praises, ii. 46, n. 1;
caricature, lines on him in a, v. 285, n. 1;
character by Chesterfield and Walpole, i. 267, n. 2;
Chesterfield, Cibber, and Johnson, anecdote of, i. 256;
Critical Reviewers, thanks the, iv. 57, 58, n. 1;
_Debates_, speech in the, ii. 61, n. 4;
epitaph on Sir J. Macdonald, v. 151;
_Dialogues of the Dead_, ii. 126, 447; iv. 57;
Goldsmith's _History of England_,
supposed to have written, i. 412, n. 2;
_History of Henry II_, Johnson criticises it to the King, ii. 38;
thirty years spent on it, iii. 32;
punctuation, ib.;
kept back for fear of Smollett, iii. 33;
its whiggism, ii. 221;
Hume's Scotticisms, ii. 72, n. 2;
Johnson, _Life_ by, iv. 57-8;
attacks on it, iv. 64;
Johnson's unfriendliness, iv. 57;
Montague, Mrs., friendship with, iv. 64;
_Persian Letters_, i-74, n. 2;
'respectable Hottentot,' i. 267, n. 2;
Smollett, attacked by, iii. 33, n. 1;
Thomson's 'loathing to write,' iii. 360;
mentioned, ii. 64, n. 2, 124, n. 1.
LYTTELTON, Thomas, second Lord,
character, his, iv. 298, n. 3;
timidity, v. 454;
vision, iv. 298;
mentioned, iv. 296, n. 3.
LYTTELTON, Sir Edward, v. 457.
MACALLAN, Eupham (Euphan M'Cullan), v. 39.
Boswell's Life of Johnson, praises, i. 13;
Campbell, Dr. John, account of, i. 418, n. 1 iii. 343, n. 4;
embassy to China, i. 13, n. 2, 367, n. 2;
Hindoos, describes a peculiarity of the, iv. 12, n. 2;
Johnson and Lady Craven, anecdote, iii. 22, n. 2;
Literary Club, member of the, i. 479;
mentioned, i. 380; iii. 238, n. 2, 425.