e, iv. 312;
fear to call out the guards, iii. 46;
how far they should tolerate false doctrine, ii. 249-253;
salaries of the Westminster justices, iii. 217, n. 2.
_Mahogany_, a drink, iv. 78.
MAHOMET, ii. 151.
MAHOMETANS, ii. 14, 151.
MAID OF HONOUR, flattery by a, iii. 322.
MAIDSTONE, iv. 328, n. 1.
MAINE, Sir Henry, _Borough English_, v. 320, n. 2.
MAINTENON, Mme. de, iv. 413, n. 2.
MAITLAND, Mr., one of Johnson's amanuenses, i. 187.
MAITTAIRE, M., _Senilia_, iv. 2; makes Carteret a dactyl, iv. 3.
MAJOR, John, _De Gestis Scotorum_, v. 406.
MAJORITY, distinguished from superiority, ii. 373.
_Make money_, iii. 196.
MALAGRIDA, iv. 174.
MALCOLM III, v. 320, n. 2.
MALET DU PAN, ii. 366, n. 2.
MALLET, David, _alias_ Malloch, ii. 159, n. 3; iv. 217;
_Alfred_, v. 175, n. 2;
_Bacon, Life of_, iii. 194;
Bolingbroke's _Works_, edits, i. 268;
Byng, writes against, ii. 128;
_Critical Review_, writes in the, i. 409, n. 1;
_Elvira_, i. 408;
Garrick, fools, v. 175, n. 2;
Gibbon _domesticated_ with him, i. 268, n. 1;
Hume's Scotticisms, ii. 72, n. 2;
job, ready for any dirty, ii. 128;
Johnson criticises his dramas, i. 408, n. 2;
and his works, ii. 233, n. 1;
draws his character, i. 268; ii. 159, n. 3;
_Dictionary_, in, iv. 217;
literary reputation, his, kept alive as long as he, ii. 233;
Macgregor, by origin a, v. 127, n. 3;
Malloch, published under the name of, iv. 216;
_Margaret's Ghost_, iv. 229, n. 4;
_Marlborough, Life of_, undertakes the, iii. 194;
never begins it, iii. 386;
receives money for it, v. 175, n. 2;
_Pope's Essay on Man_, iii. 402;
'prettiest drest puppet,' v. 174;
Scotch accent, never caught in a, ii. 159;
only Scot whom Scotchmen did not commend, ib., n. 3;
Warburton, attacks, i. 329.
MALLET, Mrs., Hume and the deists, ii. 8, n. 4.
MALLET, P.H., _Histoire de Danemarck_, iii. 274, n. 2.
MALMESBURY, first Earl of, ii. 225, n. 2.
MALONE, Edmond, accuracy and justice, his love of, iv. 51;
Addison's loan to Steele, iv. 52;
Baretti's infidelity, ii. 8, n. 3;
Boswell, becomes acquainted with, v. 1, n. 5;
dedicates to him the _Tour to the Hebrides_, ii. 1, n. 2; v. 1;
note added to it by him, iii. 323, n. 2;
executor, iii. 301, n. 1;
ignorance of law, ii. 21, n. 4;
_Life of Johnson_, revises, i. 7;
edits later editions, i.