ETAPHORS, their excellence, iii. 174;
inaccuracy, iv. 386, n. 1.
_Metaphysical_ defined, ii. 259, n. 3.
METAPHYSICAL TAILOR, a, iii. 443; iv. 187.
METAPHYSICS, Burke's inaptitude for them, i. 472, n. 2;
Johnson fond of them, i. 70;
withheld from studying them, v. 109, n. 3.
METASTASIO, iii. 162, n. 4.
METCALFE, Philip, described by Miss Burney, iv. 159, n. 2;
Johnson's charity, anecdote of, iv. 132;
with him at Brighton, ii. 133, n. 1; iv. 159-60;
Reynolds's executor, iv. 159, n. 2;
Round-Robin, signs the, iii. 83, n. 3.
METHOD, life to be thrown into a, iii. 94.
METHODISTS, bitterness, their, v. 392;
cannot explain their excellence, v. 392;
Cock Lane Ghost, adopt the, i. 407, n. 1;
convicts, effects on, iv. 329;
Dodd's _Address_, offended by, iii. 121;
Johnson consulted by two young women, ii. 120;
_Humphry Clinker_, mentioned in, ii. 123, n. 2;
_Hypocrite, The_, ii. 321;
inward light, ii. 126;
Moravians, quarrel with the, iii. 122, n. 1;
origin of the name, i. 458, n. 3;
Oxford, expulsion of six from, ii. 187;
rise of the sect, i. 68, n. 1;
sincere, how far, ii. 123;
success in preaching, i. 458; ii. 123; v. 391-2;
term of reproach, i. 458, n. 3;
Wales, in, v. 451.
METTERNICH, Prince, iv. 27, n. 1.
MEYER, Dr., ii. 253, n. 2.
MEYNELL, 'old,' Johnson intimate with his family, i. 82;
saying about foreigners, i. 115, n. 1; iv. 15;
about London, iii. 379.
MEYNELL, Miss (Mrs. Fitzherbert), i. 83.
MICKLE, William Julius, account of him, ii. 182, n. 3;
Boswell and Johnson dine with him at Wheatley, iv. 308;
_Cumnor Hall_ and Sir Walter Scott, v. 349, n. 1;
Garrick, quarrel with, ii. 182, n. 3; v. 349, n. 1;
Johnson, never had a rough word from, iv. 250;
_Lusiad, The_, ii. 182;
dispute with Johnson about it, iv. 250;
mentioned, iii. 37.
MICYLLUS, v. 430.
MIDDLE AGES, iv. 133, 170.
MIDDLE CLASS, absence of it abroad, ii. 402, n. 1;
in France, ii. 394, 402;
in Scotland, ib., n. 1;
happy in England, ii. 402.
MIDDLE STATE after death, i. 240; ii. 105; v. 356.
MIDDLESEX, Earl of, i. 367.
MIDDLESEX, Under-sheriff and Dr. Shebbeare, iii. 315, n. 1.
MIDDLESEX Election, Boswell's difference with Johnson, iii. 221;
Johnson's discussion with Lord Newhaven, iii. 408;
_False Alarm_, i. 134; ii. 111;
_Patriot_, ii. 286;
petitions, ii. 103;
Townshend refuses to pay the land-tax, iii. 460