he, v. 393, n. 4;
'There lived a young man' &c., quotes, iii. 252;
mentioned, iii. 254; iv. I, n. 1.
RANBY, John,
_Doubts on the Abolition of the Slave Trade_, iii. 205.
RANGER, the character of, ii. 50.
its claims, iii. 55;
Johnson's respect for it, i. 443, 447-8;
morals of high people, iii. 353.
RANKE, Professor, Sixtus Quintus, v. 239, n.
Johnson admires his pictures, ii. 392;
mentioned, i. 248, n. 3.
RAPTURIST, ii. 41, n. 1.
RASAY, the Macleods of,
account of them, v. 165, 167;
estates, v. 412, n. 2;
family happiness, v. 178;
league with the Macdonalds, v. 174;
Johnson compliments them in his _Journey_, ii. 304;
they praise him, ib.
RASAY, John Macleod, Laird of, 'Macgillichallum,' v. 161, n. 2;
his _carriage_, v. 162, 179, n. 2;
income, v. 165, n. 2;
patriarchal life, v. 167;
befriends the Pretender, v. 190-5;
Johnson's mistake about the chieftainship, ii. 303, 380, 382, 411;
correspondence about it, v. 410-413;
entertained by, ii. 305; iv. 155; v. 413, n. 1;
visits him, v. 165-179, 183.
RASAY, old Laird of, out in the '45, v. 174, 188, 190, 199.
_Rascal_, Johnson's use of the term, iii. 1.
account of its publication, i. 340-4;
date of its composition and publication, i. 342, n. 2, 516;
first, i. 340, n, 3;
fifth, ii. 208, n. 3;
an American one, ii. 207;
origin of the name, i. 340, n. 3;
price paid for it, i. 341;
translations, i. 341; ii. 208;
in French by Baretti, ib., n. 2;
written in the evenings of one week to pay the expenses of
Johnson's mother's funeral, i. 341;
Boswell's yearly reading, i. 342; iii. 133;
made unhappy by it, iii. 317;
_Candide_, compared with, i. 342; iii. 356;
choice of life, ii. 22, n. l;
civilisation, advantages of, ii. 73, n. 3;
Europeans, the power of the, iv. 119;
Gough Square, written in, iii. 405, n. 6;
Imlac and the Great Mogul, ii. 40, n. 4;
influence of places on the mind, v. 334, n. 1;
Johnson reads it in 1781, iv. 119;
_Lobo's Abyssinia_, partly suggested by, i. 89;
Macaulay's, Dr. J., _Bibliography_, ii. 208, n. 3;
marriages, late, ii. 128, n. 4;
misery of life, the, iii. 317;
praise to an old man, i. 339, n. 3;
resolutions, ii. 113, n. 3;
retirement from the world, v. 62, nn. 1 and 4;
scholar, the business of a, ii. 119, n. 1;
solitude of a great city, iii. 379, n. 2;