t of, iv. 174, n. 5;
Siddons, Mrs., portrait of, iv. 242, n. 2;
sister, dislikes the paintings by his, i. 326, n. 7; iv. 229, n. 4;
Smith's, Adam, talk, iv. 24, n. 2;
St. Paul's, proposes monuments in, iv. 423, n. 2;
Streatham library, pictures by him in, iv. 158, n. 1;
Suard visits him, iv. 20, n. 1;
Sunday painting, iv. 414;
taste, taking the altitude of a man's, iv. 316;
how acquired, ii. 191, n. 1;
Thurlow, letter from, iv. 350, n. 1;
titles, in addressing people did not use, i. 245, n. 3;
truthfulness of his stories, ii. 433, n. 2;
understanding, judging a man's, iv. 316;
Vanburgh, defends, iv. 55;
Vesey's, Mr., at, iii. 425;
virtue in itself preferable to vice, iii. 342, 349;
Voltaire, supposed attack on, v. 273, n. 4;
weather, ridicules the influence of, i. 332, n. 2;
wine, defends the use of, iii. 41;
his fondness for it, ii. 292; iii. 329-30;
reproached by Johnson with being far gone, iii. 329;
mentioned, ii. 82, 83, n. 2, 232, 265, n. 4, 347; iii. 43, 301,
305, 386, 390, 434; iv. 1, n. 1, 32, 76, 84, 88, 159, 178,
219, n. 3, 224, n. 2, 334, 341, 344, 355, n. 4; v. 215.
_Rhedi de generations insectarum_, iii. 229, n. 4.
RHEES, David ap, _Welsh Grammar_, v. 443.
RHEUMATISM, medicine for it, ii. 361.
_Rhodochia_, i. 223.
RHONE, iv. 277.
RHOPALIC VERSES, v. 269, n. 3.
RHYME, essential to English poetry, iii. 257.
credulity of the English, v. 330, n. 3;
French and English stage in point of decency, ii. 50, n. 3;
sentimentalists of Paris, iii. 149, n. 2;
want of respect to nobility on the English stage, v. 106, n. 4.
RICH, the manager of Covent Garden Theatre,
brings out the _Beggar's Opera_, iii. 321, n. 3;
'is this your tragedy or comedy?' iv. 246, n. 5;
refuses a play in false English, iii. 259.
RICHARD II, iv. 268, n. 2.
RICHARDS, John, R.A., iii. 464.
RICHARDS, Thomas, i. 186, n. 3.
RICHARDSON, Jonathan, the elder, _Treatise on Painting_, i. 128, n. 2.
RICHARDSON, Jonathan, the younger, i. 128, 142.
Chesterfield's estimate of him, ii. 174, n. 2;
Cibber, respects, ii. 93; iii. 184;
_Clarissa_, German translation of, iv. 28;
Lovelace's character, ii. 341;
Cowley out of fashion, iv. 102, n. 2;
death, i. 370, 382;
_Familiar Letters_--description of a visit to Bedlam, ii. 374, n. 1;
and the procession to Tyburn, iv. 189, n. 1;
Fielding, compared with, ii. 49