and Wells, iv. 420, n. 3.
STILLINGFLEET, Benjamin, iv. 108.
STINTON, Dr., iii. 279; iv. 29.
STOCKDALE, Rev. Percival,
account of him, ii. 113, n. 2;
Johnson's defence of drunkenness, ii. 435, n. 7;
on dictionary-making, ii. 203, n. 3;
on expectations, i. 337, n. 1;
_Works_, edits two volumes of, i. 190, n. 4; 335, n. 3;
_Remonstrance, The_, ii. 113;
Russia, offered a post in, iv. 277, n. 1;
St. Andrews, lodgings at, v. 65, n. 4;
mentioned, ii. 148.
STOICK, the, in _Lucian_, iii. 10.
STONE, Mr., iii. 143, n. 1.
STONEHENGE, iv. 234, n. 2.
STOPFORD, General, ii. 376.
STORMONT, seventh Viscount (afterwards second Earl of Mansfield),
v. 362, n, 1.
STORY, Thomas, the Quaker, i,68, n. 1.
STORY, its value depends on its being true, ii. 433.
Johnson at the school, i. 49; v. 456, n. 1;
the town formerly in the parish of Old Swinford, v. 432.
STOW, Richard, i. 163, n. 1.
STOWE, iii. 400, n. 2.
STOWELL, Lord. See SCOTT, William.
STRAHAN, Andrew, iv. 371.
STRAHAN, Rev. George, Vicar of Islington (son of William Strahan),
attends Johnson when dying, iv. 415-6;
Johnson's bequest to him, iv. 402, n. 2;
_Prayers and Meditations_, edits, i. 235, n. 1; ii. 476; iv. 376-7;
omits some passages, iv. 84, n. 4;
visits him, iv. 271, 415;
will, witnesses, iv. 402, n. 2;
mentioned, ii. 37, n. 1; iv. 49.
STRAHAN, William, the King's Printer,
purchaser in whole or in part of Blair's _Sermons_, iii. 97;
_Cook's Voyages_, ii. 247, n. 5;
_Duke of Berwick's Life_, iii. 286;
_Gibbon's Decline and Fall_, ii. 136, n. 6; iii. 97, n. 3;
Johnson's _Dictionary_, i. 287; iv. 32l;
_Journey to the Western Isles_, ii. 94;
_Patriot_, ii. 288;
_Rasselas_, i. 341;
Mackenzie's _Man of Feeling_, i. 360;
Boswell's praise of him, i. 288;
breakfast and dinner at his house, ii. 321; iii. 400;
coach, keeps his, ii. 226;
Elphinston's _Martial_, iii. 258;
epigram, how far a judge of an, iii. 258;
Franklin's letter to him on their rise in the world, ii. 226, n. 2;
on the American war, iii. 364, n. 1;
Gordon Riots, iii. 428-9, 435;
Hume left him his manuscripts, ii. 136, n, 6;
corrected Hume's style, v. 92, n. 3;
Johnson's altercation with Adam Smith, iii. 331;
attempts to bring, into Parliament, ii. 137-9;
difference with, iii. 364;
friendly agent, ii. 136;
interested in one of his apprentices, ii. 323;