mingham manufacturers in 1768, ii. 459, n. 1;
roads in the north of England, iii. 135, n. 1;
mentioned, iii. 161, n. 2.
YOUNG, Dr. Edward,
blank verse of _Night Thoughts_, iv. 42, n. 7, 60;
Britannia's daughters and Bedlam, ii. 374, n. 1;
_Brunetta and Stella_, v. 270;
_Card, The_, ridiculed in, v. 270, n. 4;
Cheyne, Dr., iii. 27, n. 1;
compared with Shakespeare and Dryden, ii. 86, n. 1;
_Conjectures on Original Composition_, v. 269;
critics, defies, ii. 61, n. 4;
'death-bed a detector of the heart,' v. 397, n. 1;
epigram on Lord Stanhope, iv. 102, n. 4;
'For bankrupts write,' &c., iii. 434, n. 6;
gloomy, how far, iv. 59, 120;
'Good breeding sends the satire,' &c., iv. 298;
housekeeper, his, v. 270;
Johnson and Boswell visit his house, iv. 119-21;
Johnson calls him 'a great man,' iv. 120;
describes meeting him, v. 269;
_Dictionary_, cited in, iv. 4, n. 3;
estimate of his poetry, ii. 96; iv. 60; v. 269--70;
knotting, on, iii. 242, n. 3;
knowledge not great, v. 269, n. 3;
Langton's account of him, iv. 59;
_Life_ by Croft, iv. 58; v. 270, n. 4;
_Love of Fame_, v. 270;
Mead, Dr., compliments, iii. 355, n. 2;
_Night Thoughts_, ii. 96; iv. 60-1; v. 270;
'Nor takes her tea,' &c., iii. 324, n. 3;
'O my coevals,' in. 307;
preferment, pined for, iii. 251; iv. 121;
quotations, iv. 102, n. 1;
'quotidian prey,' v. 346;
_Rambler_, his copy of the, i. 215;
'Small sands the mountain,' &c., iii. 164;
sundial, iv. 60;
_Universal Passion_,
money received for it lost in the _South Sea_, iv. 121;
'Words all in vain pant,' &c., iv. 25, n. 3.
YOUNG, Mr. (Dr. Young's son),
Boswell and Johnson visit him, iv. 119-21;
quarrel with his father, v. 270.
YOUNG, Professor, of Glasgow, imitates Johnson's style, iv. 392.
generous sentiments, i. 445;
Johnson loves their acquaintance, i. 445.
companions of our, iv. 147;
scenes, i. 370; ii. 461, n. 1; v. 450.
_Yvery, History of the House of_, iv. 198.
ZECK, George and Luke, ii. 7.
ZECKLERS, ii. 7 n. 3.
ZEILA, i. 88.
ZELIDE, ii. 56, n. 2.
ZENOBIA, ii. 127, n. 3.
_Zobeide_, iii. 38.
ZOFFANI, J., iv. 421, n. 2.
ZON, Mr., i. 274.
ZOZIMA, i. 223.
ABANDON. 'Sir, a man might write such stuff for ever, if he would
abandon his mind to it,' iv. 183.
ABSTRACT. 'Why, Sir, he fancies so, becaus