TASKS. 'Never impose tasks upon mortals,' iii. 420.
TAVERN. 'A tavern chair is the throne of human felicity,' ii. 452,
n. 1.
TEACH. 'It is no matter what you teach them first, any more than
what leg you shall put into your breeches first,' i. 452.
TEA-KETTLE. 'We must not compare the noise made by your tea-kettle
here with the roaring of the ocean,' ii. 86, n. i.
TELL. 'It is not so; do not tell this again,' iii. 229;
'Why, Sir, so am I. But I do not tell it,' iv. 191.
TENDERNESS. 'Want of tenderness is want of parts,' ii. 122.
TERROR. 'Looking back with sorrow and forward with terror,' iv.
253, n. 4.
TESTIMONY. 'Testimony is like an arrow shot from a long bow'
(Boyle), iv. 281.
_Tete-a-tete._ 'You must not indulge your delicacy too much; or
you will be a _tete-a-tete_ man all your life,' iii. 376.
THE. 'The tender infant, meek and mild,' ii. 212, n. 4.
THEOLOGIAN. 'I say, Lloyd, I'm the best theologian, but you are the
best Christian,' vi. liv.
THINK. You may talk in this manner,....but don't _think_ foolishly,'
iv. 221;
'To attempt to think them down is madness,' ii. 440.
THOUGHT. 'Thought is better than no thought,' iv. 309.
THOUSAND. 'A man accustomed to throw for a thousand pounds, if
set down to throw for sixpence, would not be at the pains to count
his dice,' iv. 167.
_Tig._ 'There was too much _Tig_ and _Tirry_ in it,' ii. 127, n. 3.
TIMBER. 'Consider, Sir, the value of such a piece of timber here,' v.
TIME. 'He that runs against time has an antagonist not subject to
casualties,' i. 319, n. 3.
TIMIDITY. 'I have no great timidity in my own disposition, and am no
encourager of it in others,' iv. 200, n. 4.
TIPTOE. 'He is tall by walking on tiptoe,' iv. 13, n. 2.
TONGUE. 'What have you to do with Liberty and Necessity? Or
what more than to hold your tongue about it?' iv. 71.
TORMENTOR. 'That creature was its own tormentor, and, I believe,
its name was Boswell,' i. 470.
TORPEDO. 'A pen is to Tom a torpedo; the touch of it benumbs his
hand and his brain,' i. 159, n. 4.
TOSSED. 'You tossed and gored several persons' (Boswell), ii. 66;
iii. 338
TOWERING. 'Towering in the confidence of twenty-one,' i. 324.
TOWN. 'The town is my element,' iv. 358.
TOWSER. 'As for an estate newly acquired by trade, you may give it,
if you will, to the dog Towser, and let him keep his own name,' ii. 261.
TRADE. 'A merchant ma