on it, ii. 166; iv. 167.
_Utopia_, iii. 202, n. 3.
Boswell a student there, i. 400, 473; ii. 9;
William Pitt (Earl of Chatham), a student, ii. 177, n. 1.
Johnson does penance there, i. 56, n. 2; iv. 373;
Michael Johnson's shop, i. 36, n. 3.
UZa^S, Duke of, iii. 322, n. 3.
VACANCIES, eagerness for, iii. 251.
VACHELL, William, iii. 83, n. 3.
VACUUM, i. 444, n. 2.
'VAGABOND, Mr.,' iii. 411, n. 1.
_Vagabondo, Il_, i. 202; iii. 411.
VAILS, ii. 78.
VALENCIA, ii. 195, n. 3; iii. 434.
Johnson's disgust at them, iii. 1, 152.
VALLANCY, Colonel, iv. 272, 278.
attempted to answer Jeremy Collier, iv. 286, n. 3;
_Provoked Husband_, ii. 48, n. 3; iv. 284, n. 2;
Reynolds's tribute to him, iv. 55.
VANE, Anne, v. 49, n. 4.
VANE, Lady, v. 49, n. 4.
_Vanessa_, ii. 389, n. 1.
_Vanity of Human Wishes_,
account of it, i. 192-5;
price paid for it, i. 193, n. 1;
rapidly composed, i. 192; ii. 15;
written mostly at Hampstead, i. 192;
Boswell finds in it the means of happiness, iii. 122, n. 2;
Byron's admiration of it, i. 193, n. 3;
death, 'kind nature's signal of retreat,' ii. 106;
De Quincey on the opening lines, i. 193, n. 3;
Garrick's sarcasm on it, i. 194;
Johnson reads it with tears, iv. 45, n. 3;
misery, 'the doom of man,' iii. 198; v. 179;
'Patron and the jail,' i. 264;
_Rasselas_, resemblance to, i. 342;
Scott's admiration of it, i. 193, n. 3; iv. 45, n. 3;
_spreads_ changed into _burns_, iii. 357-8;
Vane and Sedley, v. 49;
Wolsey, Cardinal, iii. 221, n. 4.
account of him, i. 348, n. 1; v. 460, n. 1;
story of the flea and the lion, ii. 194, n. 2;
mentioned, ii. 192.
VASS, Lauchland, v. 131, 144.
VEAL, Mrs., her ghost, ii. 163.
VEALE, Thomas, iv. 77, n. 3.
Beauclerk plundered there by a gambler, i. 381, n. 1;
Johnson wishes to visit it, iii. 19;
mentioned, i. 362; v. 69, n. 3.
VENUS, of Apelles, iv. 104.
_Veracious_, iv. 39, n. 3.
_Verbiage_ ii. 236; iii. 256.
_Verecundulus_, i. 68, n. 1.
VERNON'S Parish Clerk, v. 268, n. 1.
VERSAILLES, ii. 385, 395;
theatre, ii. 395, n. 2.
VERSES, in a dead language, ii. 371;
making them, ii. 15.
_Verses on Ireland_, iii. 319.
_Verses on a Sprig of Myrtle_, i. 92.
_Verses to Mr. Richardson on his Sir Charles Grandison_, ii. 26.
VERTOT, ii. 237; iv. 311.
VESEY, Right Hon. Agm