uced to her, ii. 467;
calls on her, iii. 412;
controversy with her, i. 92, n. 2; ii. 467, n. 4; iv. 331, n. 2;
dines at Mr. Dilly's, iii. 284-300;
fanciful reflection, i. 40, n. 3;
ghosts, iii. 297;
Hayley, correspondence with, iv. 331, n. 2;
Johnson and the learned pig, iv. 373;
praises her poetry, iv. 331;
_Ode on the death of Captain Cook_, iv. 331;
mentioned, iv. 307, 372, n. 4.
SEWARD, Rev. Mr., of Lichfield,
account of him, ii. 467; iii. 151;
valetudinarian, iii. 152, 412;
mentioned, i. 81, n. 2; ii. 471.
SEWARD, William, F.R.S.,
account of him, iii. 123;
Batheaston Vase, perhaps wrote for the, ii. 337, n. 2;
Harington's _Nugae Antiquae_, suggests a motto for, iv. 180;
Johnson and Bacon, iii. 194;
bow to an Archbishop, iv. 198;
epitaph, iv. 423, n, 3, 445;
on the Ministry and Opposition, iv. 139;
recommends him to Boswell, iii. 124;
tetrastrick on Goldsmith, translates, ii. 282, n. 1;
Langton's ancestor and Sir M. Hale, iv. 310, n. 2;
Parr, Dr., letter from, iv. 423, n. 3;
people without religion, iv. 215;
retired tradesman, anecdote of a, iii. 176, n. 1;
Scotland, visits, iii. 123-4, 126;
mentioned, i. 367; ii. 76, 308; iii. 167, 354; iv. 43, 83, n. 1, 444.
equality in another world, iii. 287;
intercourse between the two, ii. 473; iii. 341;
irregular, should be punished, iii. 17.
SHAFTESBURY, fourth Earl of, i. 464.
Boar's Head Club, v. 247;
'Boswell,' needed a, v. 415;
'brought into notice,' ii. 92;
Capel's edition, iv. 5;
Catharine of Aragon, character of, iv. 242;
Congreve, compared with, ii. 85-7,
Corneille and the Greek dramatists, compared with, iv. 16
diction of common life, iii. 194
Dogberry boasting of his losses, i. 65, n. 1;
editions published between 1725-1751, v. 244, n. 2;
fame, his, iii. 263;
fault, never six lines without a, ii. 96;
Hamlet's description of his father, iv. 72, n. 3;
the ghost, iv. 16, n. 2; v. 38,
(see below under Johnson's edition);
Hanmer's edition, i. 178, n. 1;
imitations, ii. 225, n. 2;
Johnson's admiration of him, ii. 86, n. 1;
Johnson's edition, account of it, _Proposals_, i. 175, n. 3, 318, 327;
delayed, i. 176, 319, 322, 327, 329, 496, n. 3; ii. 1, n. 1;
subscribers, i. 319, n. 3, 323, 327, 336, 499;
list lost and money spent, iv. 111;
published, i. 496;
went through several editi