Flatman, borrowed from, iii. 29;
friends, his, iii. 347; iv. 50;
gentlemen, on the ignorance of, iv. 217, n. 4;
Goldsmith's reflection on his 'strain of pride,' iii. 165, n. 3;
Greek, knowledge of, iii. 403;
grotto, his, iv. 9; verses on it, iv. 51;
happy, says that he is, iii. 251;
Homer, his, attacked by Bentley, iii. 256, n. 4;
and Cowper, iii. 257, n. 1;
praised by Johnson, iii. 257;
and Gray, ib., n. 1;
his pretended reason for translating it into blank verse,
ii. 124, n. 1;
written on the covers of letters, i. 143, n. 1;
_Iliad_, written slowly, i. 319, n. 3;
_Odyssey_, translated by the help of associates, iv. 49;
imitations, fondness for, i. 118, n. 5;
intimidated by prosecution of P. Whitehead, i. 125, n. 3;
Johnson criticises his _Ode on St. Cecilia's Day_, iv. 16, n. 4;
defends him as a poet, iv. 46;
_Dictionary_, apparently interested in, i. 182;
estimate of the _Dunciad_, ii. 84, n. 4;
recommends, to Lord Gower, i. 132, n. 1, 133, 143;
to J. Richardson, ib.;
translates his _Messiah_, i. 61, 272;
'will soon be deterre,' i. 129; ii. 85;
writes his _Life_, iv. 46-7;
labour his pleasure, ii. 99, n. 1;
laugh, did not, ii. 378, n. 2;
Lewis's verses to him, iv. 307;
Lintot, quarrels with, i. 435, n. 4;
Lords, gave all his friendship to, iii. 347;
'low-born Allen,' v. 80, n. 5;
Mallet paid to attack his memory, i. 329;
'Man never is but always to be blest' ii. 350;
Marchmont's, Earl of, anecdotes of him, iii. 342-5, 392, 418;
Pope's executor, iv. 51;
_Memoirs of Scriblerus_, v. 44, n. 4;
mill, his mind a, v. 265;
_Miscellanies_, transplants an indecent piece into his, iv. 36, n. 4;
lines applicable to Gibbon, ii. 133, n. 1;
'modest Foster,' iv. 9;
monument proposed in St. Paul's, ii. 239;
'narrow man, a,' ii. 271, n. 2;
'nodded in company,' iii. 392, n. 1;
pamphlets against him, kept the, iv. 127;
'paper-sparing,' i. 142;
papers left at his death, iv. 51, n. 1;
parents, behaviour to his, i. 339, n. 3;
parodied by I.H. Browne, ii. 339, n. 1;
parsimony, i. 143, n. 1;
_Pastorals_, ii. 84;
_Patriot King_, clandestinely printed copies of the, i. 329, n. 3;
pensioners, satirises, i. 375;
Philips, Ambrose, attacks, i. 179, n. 4;
pleasure in writing, iv. 219, n. 1;
Prendergast and Sir John Friend, ii. 183;
priests where a monkey is the god, ii. 135, n. 1;