. 1.
PRINCESS OF WALES, Dowager, (mother of George III),
presents to Lord Bute, iv. 127, n. 3.
_Prince Titi_, ii. 391.
_Prince Voltiger_, ii. 108.
PRINCIPLE, goodness founded upon it, i. 443;
things founded on no principle, v. 159.
PRINCIPLES, general, must be had from books, ii. 361.
PRINCIPLES and practice, i. 418, n. 3; ii. 341; iii. 282; iv. 396;
v. 210, 359.
PRINGLE, Sir John,
Johnson could not agree with him, iii. 65; v. 376, 384;
madness, on the cause of, iii. 176, n. 1;
President of the Royal Society, iii. 65, n. 1;
Smith's _Wealth of Nations_, ii. 430;
mentioned, ii. 59, n. 3, 164; iii. 7, 15, n. 2, 247; v. 97.
PRINTERS, keeping their coach, ii. 226;
wages of journeymen, ii. 323.
PRINTING, early printed books, v. 459;
effect on learning, iii. 37;
people without it barbarous, ii. 170.
PRIOR, Sir James,
Johnson's projected _Life of Goldsmith_, iii. 100, n. 1.
PRIOR, Matthew, amorous pedantry, iii. 192, n. 2;
_Animula vagtila_, translation of, iii. 420, n. 2;
borrowing, instances of his, iii. 396;
_Chameleon_, ii. 158, n. I;
_Despairing Shepherd_, ii. 78, n. 2;
Goldsmith republishes two of his poems, iii. 192, n. 2;
_Gualterus Danistonus ad Amicos_, translation of, iii. 119, n. 6;
Hailes, Lord, censured by, iii. 192;
lady's book, a, iii. 192;
love verses, ii. 78;
'My noble, lovely little Peggy,' iii. 425, n. 2;
_Paulo Purganti_, iii. 192;
Pitcairne, translation from, v. 58.
PRIOR PARK, v. 80, n. 5.
PRISONS, Johnson's praise of a good keeper, iii. 433.
See under LONDON, Newgate, &c.
PRITCHARD, Mrs., the actress, good but affected, v. 126;
_Irene_, acted, i. 197;
in common life a vulgar idiot, iv. 243;
mechanical player, ii. 348;
mentioned, ii. 92.
PRIZE VERSES, in the _Gent. Mag_., i. 91, n. 2, 136.
PRIZES, money arising from, ii. 353, n. 4.
_Probationary Odes for the Laureateship_,
A Great Personage, i. 219, n. 3;
Boswell ridiculed, i. 116, n. 1;
and the two Wartons, ii. 41, n. 1.
PROBATIONER, cause of a, ii. 171.
_Probus Britannicus_, i. 141.
_Procerity_, i. 308.
_Prodigious_, iii. 231, n. 4, 303; v. 396, n. 3.
choice of one, v. 47;
misfortune not to be bred to one, iii. 309, n. 1;
time and mind given to one not very great, ii. 344.
_Profession, The_, iii. 285, n. 2.
PROFESSIONAL MAN, solemnity of manner, iv. 310.
_Profitable In