Boswell edified by them, v. 29;
caricatured by Rowlandson, ib., n. 1;
Johnson wishes to read them, iii. 248;
tries to, v. 29, 88;
prevailed on to read one aloud, v. 350;
on original sin, iv. 123, n. 3;
on prayer, v. 38, 58, 68, 282, 325;
quotation from one, v. 351.
OGILBY, John, i. 55.
OGILVIE, Dr. John,
_Poems_, i. 421, 423, n. 1;
praises Scotland, i. 425.
OGILVY, Sir James, v. 227, n. 4.
account of him, i. 127, n. 4, 128, n. 1;
Belgrade, siege of, ii. 181;
birth, ii. 180, n. 2;
Boswell and the Corsicans, ii. 59, n. 1;
to Shebbeare, introduces, iv. 112;
communicates particulars of his life to, ii. 351 n. 3;
Caligula and the Senate, iii. 283;
dinners at his house, ii. 179, 217, 232, 350; iii. 52, 282;
v. 138, n. 1;
duelling, defends, ii. 179;
father, his, iv. 171;
Georgia, colonises, i. 127, n. 4;
Johnson's _London_, patronises, i. 127;
visits, iv. 170;
willing to write his _Life_, ii. 351;
luxury, declaims against, iii. 282;
'never completes what he has to say,' iii. 57;
Pope's lines on him, i. 127, n. 4;
Prendergast and Sir J. Friend, ii. 182;
Prince of Wirtemberg and the glass of wine, ii. 180;
vivacity and knowledge, iii. 56;
Wesley, Charles, ill-uses, i. 127, n. 4.
OGLETHORPE, Mr., ii. 272.
'O'HARA, you are welcome,' v. 263.
OIL OF VITRIOL, ii. 155;
Johnson's, v. 15, n. 1.
O'KANE, the harper, v. 315.
OKERTON, i. 194, n. 2.
OLD AGE, desirable, how far, iv. 156;
evils, its, iii. 337;
memory, failure of, iii. 191;
men less tender in old age, v. 240, n. 2;
mind growing torpid, iii. 254;
_senectus_, iii. 344.
OLD BAILEY, _Sessional Reports_,
Baretti's trial, ii. 97, n. 1;
Bet Flint's, iv. 103, n. 3;
contain 'strong facts,' ii. 65.
_Old Man's Wish, The_, iv. 19.
OLD MEN, loss of the companions of their youth, iii. 217;
putting themselves to nurse, ii. 474;
supposed to be decayed in intellect, iv. 181.
OLD STREET CLUB, iii. 443-4; iv. 187.
OLDFIELD, Dr., iii. 57.
OLDHAM, John, _Imitation of Juvenal_, i. 118.
OLDMIXON, John, i. 294, n. 9.
OLDYS, William, account of him, i. 175;
author of _Busy, curious, thirsty fly_, ii. 281, n. 5;
_Harleian Catalogue_, compiles part of the, i. 28;
Harleian Library, on the price paid for the, i. 154;
notes on _Langbaine_, iii. 30, n. 1.
O'LEARY, Father Arthur,
_Remarks on Wesley's Letter_, ii. 121, n. 1; v.