. 25.
PANTOMIMES, i. 111, n. 2.
PAOLI, General,
account of him, ii. 71;
Auchinleck, Lord, described by, v. 382, n. 2;
Beattie, Johnson and Wilkes, describes, iv. 101;
Boswell, beautiful attention to, iii. 51, n. 3;
dedicates his _Corsica_ to him, ii. 1, n. 2; v. 1;
describes, to Miss Burney, i. 6, n. 2;
exact record of his sayings, ii. 434, n. 1;
his guest in London, ii. 375, n. 4; iii. 35;
visits him in Corsica, ii. 2, 4, n. 1;
makes himself known to him, i. 404, n. 2;
and the _omnia vanitas_, iv. 112, n. 3;
repeats anecdotes to him, i. 432, n. 2;
sends him some books, ii. 61;
vows sobriety to him, ii. 436, n. 1;
death kept out of sight, iii. 154;
dinners at his house, ii. 165, 220, 260; iii. 34, 52, 276, 278, 324-331;
iv. 330
(Johnson loves to dine with him, ib.);
drinks to the great vagabond, iii. 411, n. 1;
England, arrives in, ii. 71;
Goldsmith, compliments, ii. 224;
_Good-Natured Man_, mentioned in, ii. 45, n. 2;
_Histoire de Pascal Paoli_, par Arrighi, ii. 3, n. 1;
Homer, antiquity of, iii. 330;
house in South Audley Street, iii. 392;
infidelity, ii. 81, n. 1;
Johnson's description of his port, ii. 82;
funeral, at, iv. 419, n. 1;
introduction to him, ii. 80, 404;
voracious appetite, iv. 331;
languages, knowledge of, ii. 81, n. 3;
marriage, state of, ii. 165;
Mediterranean a subject for a poem, iii. 36;
melancholy, remedy for, ii. 423, n. 1;
pension, ii. 71, n. 2;
Scotland, visits, v. 22, n. 2, 382, n. 2;
sense of touch, ii. 190;
Stewart's mission to him, ii. 81, n. 1;
subordination and the hangman, i. 408, n. 1;
successful rebels and the arts, ii. 223;
Tasso, repeats a stanza of, iii. 330;
torture, uses, i. 467, n. 1;
Wales, visits, v. 448, 449;
Walpole's account of him, ii. 82; v. 1, n. 3;
Warley Camp, visits, iii. 368;
mentioned, ii. 377, n. 1; iii. 104, 282; iv. 326, 332.
_Papadendrion_, iii. 103.
_Papyrius Cursor_, iv. 322.
PARACELSUS, ii. 36, n. 1.
account of him, iv. 364, n. 2;
Johnson and Priestley meet at his house, iv. 434;
Johnson's letter to him, iv. 364;
mentioned, i. 64; iii. 104, n. 5, 386; iv. 224, n. 2, 254, 272.
PARADISE, Peter, iv. 364, n. 2.
_Paradise Lost. See_ MILTON.
PARENTAL TYRANNY, i. 346, n. 2; iii. 377.
a pound of them, iii. 402, n. 1;
Johnson disappr