. 65, n. 1;
over-praised by Mrs. Thrale, iv. 82;
attacked again, iv. 159, n. 3;
mentioned, ii. 228, n. 1; iii. 425.
_Perce-forest_, iii. 274, n. 1.
PERCEVAL, Lord (second Earl of Egmont), i. 508; iv. 198, n. 3.
PERCEVAL, Lady Catharine, v. 449, n. 1.
PERCY, Earl, iii. 142, 276-7.
PERCY, Dr. Thomas, Dean of Carlisle,
afterwards Bishop of Dromore, Alnwick, at, ii. 142;
anecdotes, full of, v. 255;
Boswell, letter to, i. 74;
Dean of Carlisle, made, iii. 365;
'very _populous_' there, iii. 416, 417;
death, on parting with his books in, iii. 312;
dinner at his house, iii. 271;
Dyer, Samuel, describes, iv. 11, n. 1;
Easton Maudit, rector of, i. 486; iii. 437;
Goldsmith and the Duchess of Northumberland, ii. 337, n. 1;
epitaph, settles the dates in, iii. 81;
lodgings, i. 350, n. 3;
quarrels with, iii. 276, n. 2;
visionary project, iv. 22, n. 3;
Grainger's character,
draws, ii. 454, n. 1;
reviews his _Sugar-cane_, i. 481;
admires it, ii. 454, n. 2;
'_Grey Rat, the History of the_' ii. 455;
Hawkins, draws the character of, i. 28, n. 1;
heir male of the ancient Percies, iii. 271;
_Hermit of Warkworth_, ii. 136;
Johnson attacks him
about Dr. Mounsey, ii. 64;
about Percy's calling him short-sighted, iii. 271-3;
Percy's uneasiness, iii. 275;
Boswell's friendly scheme, iii. 276-8;
at variance for the third time iii. 276 n. 2;
conversation, iii. 317;
first visit to Goldsmith, i. 366, n. 1;
Garrick's awe and ridicule of, i. 99, n. 1;
method in writing his _Dictionary_, i. 188, n. 2;
parodies his poems, ii. 136, n. 4; 212, n. 4;
praises him in a letter to Boswell, iii. 276, 278;
projected _Life of Goldsmith_, iii. 100, n. 1;
questions his daughter about _Pilgrim's Progress_, ii. 238, n. 5;
serves him in his _Ancient Ballads_, iii. 276, n. 2;
visits him, i. 49, 486;
_Vision of Theodore_, i. 192;
Levett, account of, iii. 220, n. 1;
Literary Club, member of the, i. 478, n. 2, 479;
loses by a fire, iii. 420;
neglected parishes, iii. 437;
Newport School, at, i. 50, n. 2;
_Northern Antiquities_, iii. 274;
Pennant, attacks, iii. 272;
professor in the imaginary college, v. 109;
_Reliques_, quoted, iv. 307, n. 3;
_Spectator_, projects an edition of the, ii. 212, n. 1;
wolf, is writing the history of the, ii. 455;
mentioned, i. 142, 319, n. 3; ii. 63, 3l8, 375. n. 2;