On the baconlike cut surface suppurative areas and granulating
sores may be noticed of various sizes, also enlarged lymph vessels
filled with clotted lymph mixed with pus. The neighboring lymph glands
are usually enlarged and frequently contain suppurating foci. Rarely the
internal organs may show metastatic abscesses.
_Diagnosis._--The diagnosis is based on the characteristic appearance of
the ulcerations, which show exuberant granulation of a bright red color,
inverted edges, and a thick, creamy, glutinous discharge. These
manifestations differentiate the disease from glanders, in which the
ulcers are craterlike, do contain exuberant granulations, and the
discharge is of a viscous, oily character. The submaxillary and other
nodes as well as the corded lymphatics in glanders are more firmly
attached to the adjacent tissues, and are therefore less movable. In
some chronic cases of sporotrichosis, however, the lesions may closely
resemble those of farcy, and in these cases the microscopical
examination of the pus will disclose the nature of the affection. In the
pus the causative organism can be easily seen in the unstained specimen,
and is recognized by its size, shape, and highly refractory double
outline. Furthermore, the injection of mallein in cases of
sporotrichosis will be attended with negative results.
_Treatment._--At the onset of the disease treatment consists in entire
extirpation of the nodules, in case the lesions are localized. In cases
in which the nodules have formed abscesses, their opening is
recommended, followed by the application of the actual cautery or a 1 to
250 solution of bichlorid of mercury. It must be borne in mind that the
organism is quite resistant to antiseptics, and the best results will be
obtained from the application of a solution of a strong antiseptic
following the opening of the lesions. Internally, potassium iodid is
recommended in 2-dram doses, dissolved in drinking water, twice a day.
In the most favorable cases recovery results in from five to seven
weeks; as a rule, however, it requires several months.
In order to prevent the spreading of the disease the affected animals
should be isolated, the products of the disease should be destroyed, and
the stable should be disinfected with very strong liquid disinfectants
in consideration of the resistance of the causative organism.
Rabies is a contagious disease, which is usually transmit