Petersburg], 1898, 2 Pts. 8vo. Begins with _Marco Polo_, pp.
All these works are most valuable.
BRIDGMAN, Rev. Dr. _Sketches of the Meaou-tsze_, transl. by. In _J.
N. Ch. Br. R. As. Soc._ for Dec. 1859.
BROWNE'S _Vulgar Errors_, in Bohn's Ed. of his Works. London, 1852.
BUCHON. _Chroniques Etrangeres relatives aux Expeditions Francaises
pendant le XIII'e Siecle_. Paris, 1841.
BURNES, ALEX. _Travels into Bokhara_. 2nd Ed. London, 1835.
BUESCHING'S _Magazin fuer die neue Historie und Geographie_. Halle,
1779, seqq.
CAHIER ET MARTIN. _Melanges d'Archeologie_. Paris, v. y.
CAPMANY, ANTONIO. _Memorias Historicas sobre la marina ... de
Barcelona_. Madrid, 1779-1792.
CARP., CARPINI. As published in _Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires de la
Soc. de Geog._ Tom. iv. Paris, 1839.
CATHAY, _and the Way Thither_. By Col. H. Yule. Hakluyt Society,
CHARDIN, _Voyages en Perse de_. Ed. of Langles. Paris, 1811.
CHAVANNES, EDOUARD. _Memoire compose a l'epoque de la grande dynastie
T'ang sur les Religieux eminents qui allerent chercher la loi dans les
Pays d'Occident par_ I-TSING. Paris, 1894, 8vo.
CHINE ANCIENNE. By Pauthier, in _L'Univers Pittoresque_. Paris, 1837.
---- MODERNE. By do. and Bazin, in do. Paris, 1853.
CHIN. REP. _Chinese Repository_. Canton, 1832, seqq.
CLAVIJO. Transl. by C.R. Markham. Hak. Society, 1859.
CONSULAR REPORTS. (See this vol. p. 144.)
CONTI, _Travels of Nicolo_. In _India in the XVth Century_. Hak.
Society, 1857.
CORDIER, HENRI. _Les Voyages en Asie au XIV'e Siecle du Bienheureux
Frere Odoric de Pordenone_. Paris, 1891, 8vo.
----. _L'Extreme-Orient dans l'Atlas Catalan de Charles V., Roi de
France_. Paris, 1895, 8vo.
CURZON, GEORGE N. _Persia and the Persian Question_. London, 1892, 2
vol. 8vo.
D'AVEZAC. See App. H., III., No. 36.
DAVIES'S REPORT. _Rep. on the Trade and Resources of the Countries on
the N.W. Boundary of Br. India_ (By R.H. Davies, now (1874)
Lieut.-Governor of the Panjab).
DEGUIGNES. _Hist. Gen. des Huns, etc._ Paris, 1756.
---- (the Younger). _Voyage a Peking, etc._ Paris, 1808.
DELLA DECIMA, etc. Lisbone e Lucca (really Florence) 1765-1766. The 3rd
volume of this contains the Mercantile Handbook of _Pegolotti_
(circa 1340), and the 4th volume that of _Uzzano_ (1440).
DELLA PENNA. _Breve Notizia del Regno del Thibet_. An extract from
the _Journal Asiatique_, ser. II. tom. xiv. (pub