and the
school. It is to be regretted that this scheme frequently results in
the employment of teachers who, although certificated for regular
school work, have no other qualifications, instead of persons of
practical experience. The employment of such teachers too often leads
to the following of ordinary school practices and academic traditions
rather than the methods and practice of business.
In some quarters it is maintained that this instruction should be
entirely taken over by the public schools, thus relieving the store of
any responsibility in the matter. It is probably not now advisable for
the school to assume full responsibility for such training. The heavy
expense involved and the physical limitations of the schools would
make it difficult, without the cooeperation of the store, to reproduce
the trade atmosphere necessary for real vocational training. As a
result, the instruction would become abstract and theoretical, with
the major portion of the effort limited to a continuation of
elementary school subjects taught with reference to their application
to department store work.
The analysis of the industry shows that in each occupation or job
there is a definite amount of knowledge which must be acquired by the
efficient worker. A study of this analysis and of the examples of
technical knowledge needed by the worker at different points in the
industry will show that no such thing as a general course is possible.
In every case the character of the instruction should be such that it
will answer a definite need of the employee. What this instruction
should be in specific cases can be settled only, on the one hand, by a
thorough analysis of the occupation to determine what demands it makes
upon the workers, and on the other, by a careful study of the workers
themselves to ascertain how far they have been unable to meet these
demands without assistance. Lessons can then be organized dealing with
such subject matter as individuals or groups have failed to grasp, the
lack of which limits their efficiency or restricts their usefulness.
It can readily be seen that this instruction will cover a wide range
of subjects, from the use of fractions needed by checkers and
salesgirls in yard goods sections, to the special technical knowledge
of fine furs required by the salesperson who handles this
The method by which this instruction can best be given is in a series
of sh