for the purpose of giving
instruction to trainmen. A competent instructor is put in charge of
these cars to explain the theory and practice of the apparatus and
also to give instruction in any new type of engine or train equipment.
The conclusions of the report are in the main negative with respect to
specialized vocational training in the public schools. There is no
doubt that the general industrial course recommended for the junior
high school period in previous chapters would be of some value to boys
who may enter this line of work. Problems of railroad transportation
might well be included as part of the work in applied mathematics.
What workers in these occupations need most, however, is a thorough
elementary education.
This section of the report takes up such occupations as those of
teamsters, chauffeurs, and repairmen. There are no reliable data as to
the number of men in the city employed in these occupations, but it is
certain that it does not fall below 9,000. Notwithstanding the great
increase in the use of automobiles and auto trucks in recent years the
number of teamsters at the present time is in excess of 4,000 men. A
very large proportion of the men employed in these occupations are of
American birth.
The general conditions of labor such as wages, hours of labor, and so
on, are the same for teamsters and chauffeurs. They earn about the
same wages, belong to the same union, and work about the same hours.
The wages range from 25 to 37 cents an hour. Earnings in the better
paid jobs compare favorably with those in several of the skilled
trades. Automobile repairmen earn from 30 to 45 cents an hour, and
work from nine to 10 hours a day. The working day for teamsters and
chauffeurs is somewhat longer, ranging from 10 to 12 hours. At the
present time these occupations are only partially organized in trade
The report recommends the establishment of a course in automobile
construction and operation in the technical high schools. In view of
the constantly increasing use of automobiles such a course would be of
value to many boys besides those who enter employment as chauffeurs
and truck drivers.
There are employed in Cleveland at present approximately 2,500
motormen and street car conductors. Almost all of them are of American
birth, and the majority are natives of the city.
As in railroad work each applicant for employme