order of battle at, 198.
Boulogne, army of, 280.
camp of, 279.
Bravery, first requisite for a leader, 345.
Bridges, how to secure, against fire-ships, &c., 245.
in retreats, 244.
means of destroying, 245.
protection of, after passage, 229.
Bridge-trains, importance of, 121.
Brienne, Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Buntzelwitz, camp of, 154.
Burgundy, Duke of, 53.
Caesar's investment of Alise, 153.
maritime expeditions, 365.
Campaign, Napoleon's, of 1800, 137.
of 1793, 107.
of 1799, 111.
of 1800, 112.
of 1812, Napoleon's error in, 172.
of the Spaniards in Flanders, 171.
of the Swedes in Germany, 171.
Campaigns in mountains, instances of, 169.
in winter, 68.
of 1799 and 1800, 162.
Camp at Kehl, 167.
intrenched, influence of, 155.
intrenched, on which side of a river, 157.
intrenched, on river, 156.
of Boulogne, 279.
of Drissa, 157.
Camps and lines, intrenched, defense of, 215.
fortified, 154.
intrenched, connection of, with strategy, 154.
intrenched, instances of, 210, 211.
intrenched, maxims on, 155, 156.
intrenched, Prussian system of, 158.
intrenched, use of, 156.
intrenched, where to be established, 155.
strategic square for, 99.
Candia, siege of, 380, 381.
Turkish descent on, 379.
Cannae, order of battle at, 191.
Cantonment of Napoleon on the Passarge, 247.
Cantonments, 246.
duty of staff officers in, 256.
rules for establishing, 246.
selection of positions for, 247.
Canute, 370.
Capitals as strategic points, 87.
Capital, when the center of power, 107.
Capture of posts, means for, 216.
when important, 216.
Carbine, in cavalry-charges, 306.
Carnot, 59.
operations of, 136.
Carthage, destruction of, 364.
Carthaginians, expeditions of, 361, 362.
Cavalry, 303.
advantages of large corps of, 309.
arms and organization of, 307, 308.
arrangement of, in line of battle, 288.
at Ramillies, 312.
battle-order for, 312.
best formation of infantry against, 294.
charge at Hohenfriedberg, 305.
charge, general, 305.
charges, four kinds of, 306.
charges of the Turks, 307.
defensive armor for, 308.
divisions of five regiments, 311.
duties of, 304.
encounters of, against cavalry, 311.
flank charges of, 307.
formations of, 309-311.
importance of, in retreats, 243.
importance of, to infantry, 290.
influence of, in a war, 313, 314.
in the