s, means for capture of, 216.
Prague, battle of, 189, 205.
Preservation of armies in time of peace, 47.
Prince, duty of, when not conducting his armies, 54.
Prince Eugene, 54, 141, 153, 213.
of Coburg, error of, in 1794, 109.
Principle of decisive points of maneuver, 88.
Principles of strategy, 331.
of strategy always the same, 17.
Promotions in armies, 47.
Protection by trees and brushwood, 303.
Provisional lines, 103.
Prussia, course of, in the French Revolution, 105, 106.
parallel retreat in, 241.
relation of, in the French Revolution, 104.
Prussian army at Waterloo, 129.
reserves in 1806, 134.
system of forming columns, 294.
system of intrenched camps, 158.
Public opinion, danger of, 55.
Punic wars, 363, 364.
Pursuit, rules for, 242.
Pursuits, 241.
Pyramids, Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Pyrrhus, descent of, on Italy, 362.
Qualities of a skillful general, 334.
Ramillies, 312.
Ramrods, 348.
Rapid marches, 176.
Ratisbon, Napoleon at, 274.
Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Rear, attack in, 207.
Rear-guard in retreat, 243.
Rear-guards in retreat, 234.
Rear-guard in retreat, duty of, in passage of rivers, 244.
Reconnoissances, 268.
give but limited information, 269.
to gain information of the enemy's movements, 268.
Religion, wars of, 35.
Reports of prisoners, 269.
Reserve, cavalry, 311.
final, 203.
horse-artillery, advantages of, 289.
Reserves, cavalry, 288.
importance of, 133, 134.
in offensive war, how posted, 133, 135.
nature of, 133.
of Napoleon, 133.
Prussian, in 1806, 134.
strategic, 67, 133.
Retreat along converging roads, 236
along diverging roads, 237.
along parallel roads, 236.
by several corps, 235.
difficulty of deciding method of, 231.
five methods of arranging, 234.
in single mass, when preferable, 234.
line of, 261, 341-343.
means of, to be considered in a defensive position, 183.
parallel, 237.
well effected, should be rewarded, 63.
Retreats, 230.
at night, 231.
attack of the enemy's advanced guard in, 243.
bridges in, 244.
by diverging roads, danger of, 238.
cavalry in, 243.
circumstances influencing, 232, 233.
concentration in, 238.
concentric, instances of, 238, 239.
defiles in, 243.
divergent, when admissible, 239.
duty of staff officers in, 256.
firmness of Russians in, 64.
halts in, to relieve