of divisions, 279, 280.
of very large armies, 286.
Panics, cause and remedy of, 65.
instances of, 64.
officers and troops to be warned against, 63.
Parallel lines, 200.
order of battle, 188.
order of battle reinforced, 189.
order of battle, when suitable, 189.
order of battle with crotchet, 189.
retreat, 237.
retreats, countries adapted to, 240, 241.
retreats, when preferable, 239.
Partisans, information from, 270.
Partisan troops, services of, illustrated, 273.
Paskevitch's passage of the Vistula in 1831, 120.
Passage of an army, Napoleon's rule for, 147.
of a river, best position for, 226.
of the Beresina, 226, 245.
of the Danube by Napoleon, 266.
of the Rhine in 1795, 120.
of the Saint-Bernard by Napoleon, 168.
of rivers, 224, 343.
of rivers, double, 230.
of rivers, famous modern, 226.
of rivers in retreats, 243, 244.
of rivers in retreats, rules for, 245.
of rivers, rules for, 227.
of rivers, rules for preventing, 228.
Peninsular War, 32.
Perfect army, essential conditions of, 43.
Permanent lines of defense, 95.
Perpendicular order of battle, 190.
Peter the Great, expedition of, against Persia, 382.
Peter the Hermit, 371.
Peterwardein, panic at, 64.
Philip II. of Spain, 378.
Pichegru, movements of, in 1794, 109.
Pistol-firing, in cavalry charges, 306.
Pivots of maneuver, 98.
Pivots of operations, 98.
Points, decisive, 337.
decisive and objective, 86.
decisive geographic, 87.
decisive, how affected by arrangement of forces, 187.
decisive, of battle-field, now determined, 186.
decisive strategic, 86.
of operations, objective, 85.
Political objective points, 91.
objective points subordinate to strategy, 91.
wars, 26.
Po, Napoleon's passage of, in 1800, 225.
Portable telegraphs, 275.
Port Mahon, assault of, 212.
Port Royal, expedition of U.S. government to, 390.
Position, defensive, means of retreat to be considered in, 183.
for battle, 341.
how to drive an enemy from, 201, 202.
strong, essentials for, 181.
system of wars of, 135.
tactical, protection of flanks in, 182.
Positions, 179.
for cantonments, selection of, 247.
intrenched, 181.
open, 181.
strategic, 66, 97, 330, 331.
tactical, 181.
tactical, rules for selecting, 181.
two kinds of, 180, 181.
Post, capture of, when important, 216.
Posting troops in line of battle, 277.