orders of, on result of engagements, 197.
line of, arrangement of cavalry in, 288.
line of, before the French Revolution, 277.
line of, definition of, 179.
line of, distribution of troops in, 287.
line of, post of artillery in, 289.
lines of, for two infantry corps, different formations of, 282-284.
oblique order of, 190.
of Agincourt, 192.
of Alcazar, 378.
of Audenarde, 53.
of Austerlitz, 170, 179, 198, 206.
of Bautzen, 187, 196, 317.
of Blenheim, 303.
of Cannae, 191.
of Crecy, 192.
of Ecnomos, 363.
of Essling, 192, 193, 200, 350.
of Fossano, 168.
of Jena, 90, 198, 305.
of Leipsic, 158, 192, 193, 198, 267, 305.
of Lepanto, 378.
of Leuthen, 140, 190, 229, 342.
of Millesimo, 111.
of Mollwitz, 348.
of Prague, 189, 205.
of Ramillies, 312.
of Rivoli, 179, 198, 205.
of Torgau, 205.
of Turin, 53.
of Ulm, 53, 90.
of Ulm, won by strategy, 198.
of Waterloo, 127, 129, 130, 181, 182, 183, 196, 198, 206, 294, 295,
303-306, 354, 358, 359.
offensive, object of, 188.
offensive order of, 200.
order of, 186.
order of, at Leipsic, 193.
order of, definition of, 180.
orders of, 188.
parallel order of, 188.
reinforced, 189.
when suitable, 189.
with crotchet, 189.
perpendicular order of, 190.
position for, 341.
posting troops in line of, 277.
results of, depend on what, 178.
rules for use of artillery in, 316-318.
Battle-order for cavalry, 312.
Battle-orders, various, 349.
Battles, 178.
defensive, 179.
elements of uncertainty regarding, 197.
great difficulty of tactics of, 196.
influence of musketry-fire in, 348.
offensive, 186.
of Napoleon, orders of, 198.
rules for scientific, 200.
success in, depends on maneuvering, 360.
three kinds of, 179.
what may interfere with success of, 196.
Bautzen, battle of, 187, 317.
French at, 196.
Bellegarde, 166.
Benningsen, movement of, in 1807, 109.
Benningsen's artillery reserve at Eylau, 289.
base on Koenigsberg in 1807, 152.
position in 1807, 171.
mixed system at Eylau, 352.
Beresina, passage of, 226, 245.
Berg-op-Zoom, assault of, 212.
Berthier at Leipsic, 267.
Berthier's error at Wagram, 267.
error in campaign of 1809, 265.
Blenheim, battle of, 303.
Bluecher, 53, 130.
"Boar's head" of the ancients, 194.
Bonaparte's career in Italy, 111.
expedition to Egypt, 383.
Borodino, Napoleon's