in descents, duty of, 251.
line of battle, heavy artillery in, 290.
Defensive movements, when advised, 124.
-offensive war, 74.
or offensive system, either may be employed, 185.
the, in a level country, 164.
war, 72, 73.
Defiles as decisive points, 87.
as eventual lines of defense, 96.
in retreats, 243.
Definitive lines, 103.
Dennewitz, Ney's error at, 130.
Deployed battalions in checkerwise order, 301.
lines in two ranks, 294.
lines, two, formation of infantry in, 292.
Depots, establishment of, on march, 262.
command of, 263.
lines of, 263.
of supplies, 141.
of supplies, general maxims, 143.
secondary, 262, 263.
Descents, 248.
cases where made, 250.
difficulties of, 250.
duty of defensive in, 251.
effect of modern inventions on, 248.
more extensive in ancient times, 248.
precautions after landing, 252.
rules for conducting, 251.
D'Estaing's fleet, 383.
Detached orders of Napoleon, 259.
works, importance of, 154.
Detachments, field of operations of, should be large, 220.
four kinds of, 217.
great, 217, 219, 334.
great, instances of, 221, 222.
great, why made, 220, 221.
multiplication of, must be avoided, 221.
necessary when there is a double strategic front, 220.
of Napoleon in 1805, 222.
precise rules for, cannot be laid down, 222.
requisites in officers of, 224.
small, how useful, 224.
Detachment to form strategic reserve, illustration of, 219.
Detours, 197, 204.
Difficulty of applying theories in war, 269.
Diplomacy in invasions, 24.
Direction, lines of, their importance illustrated, 116.
of lines of operations, 115.
Discipline, importance of, 42.
importance of, in retreats, 242.
Distances in battle, calculation of, 334.
Distant expeditions, 169.
invasions across extensive territories, 171.
invasions, maxim for, 173.
invasions to aid an ally, 170.
Distribution of troops in line of battle, 287.
Divergent lines, 103.
Duke of York's expedition to Dunkirk, 91.
to Holland in 1799, 91.
Dumouriez, errors of, in 1792, 106, 107.
Dunkirk, expedition to, 91.
Duties of cavalry, 304.
of staff officers, 254-256.
Duty of a general, 324.
of statesmen in offensive wars, 17.
Diversions in zone of operations, when advantageous, 222.
Division, improper use of the term, 351.
Divisions, cavalry, of five regiments, 311.
defects of system of, 278.
remedied by Napol