motives and necessities, 22.
operations, comments on, 116.
order at the Tagliamento, 295.
passages of the Danube, 226, 266.
passage of the Saint-Bernard, 168.
passage of the Po in 1800, 225.
projected invasion of England, 249, 250, 386.
reserves, 133.
retreat from Smolensk, 235.
return from Egypt in 1800, 112.
rule for the passage of an army, 147.
strategic lines in 1796, 130, 131.
strategic positions, 97.
system of formation for battle, 278, 279.
system of marches, 137.
victories and disasters, lesson taught by them, 23.
National wars, character of, in mountainous countries, 167.
wars, definition of, 29.
wars, difficulties of conquest in, 31-34.
wars, effect of the nature of the country in, 30.
wars, how prevented, 33, 34.
wars, how success attained in, 33.
wars, invasion difficult in, 144.
wars, military precepts for, 27.
Nations, military spirit of, 60.
Nature and extent of war, how influenced, 14.
Naumburg, Napoleon's march on, 94.
Naval armaments, effect of modern inventions on, 376.
Neutrality of states adjoining theater of war, important in invasions, 174.
Ney, 31, 168, 196.
at Bautzen, 317.
at Dennewitz, 130.
at Elchingen, 182.
at Jena, 305.
Nicholas I., concentration of dragoons by, 309.
Objective point, how held, 67.
point, manner of approach to, 67.
point of Napoleon in 1800, 87.
point, selection of, 66.
points, geographical, 88.
points, how chosen, 90.
Objective points in strategy, how determined, 88.
points of maneuver, 88, 89.
points of operations, 85.
points, political, 91.
Objectives of operations, 329, 330.
Objects of war, 14.
Oblique order, 199, 200.
order, antiquity of, 199.
order assumed by Napoleon at Marengo, 198.
order of battle, 190.
Offensive, advantage of the, in strategy, 184.
army, proper course for, 324.
battle, object of, 188.
battles, 186.
characteristics of infantry formation for, 297.
line of battle, concentration of artillery-fire in, 290.
movements, when advised, 124.
or defensive system, either may be employed, 185.
order of battle, 200.
system to be followed in, 176.
the, disadvantages of, in tactical operations, 184.
the, in mountainous countries, 167.
use of artillery in, 316.
war, 72, 73.
war, duty of staff officers in, 258.
war, reserves, how posted in, 133, 135.
wars, duty of statesmen in, 17.
wars, how c