Qatar 1,230 1999 est.
179 Reunion 1,214 2001
180 Saint Lucia 1,210 1999 est.
181 United Arab Emirates 1,088 1999 est.
182 Vanuatu 1,070 1999 est.
183 Grenada 1,040 1999 est.
184 Guam 977 2004
185 Guadeloupe 947 2002
186 Comoros 880 1999 est
187 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 829 2002
188 French Guiana 817 1998
189 Aruba 800 1995
190 Man, Isle of 800 1999
191 Samoa 790 1999 est.
192 Cayman Islands 785 2000
193 Dominica 780 1999 est.
194 Tonga 680 1999 est.
195 Kiribati 670 1999 est.
196 Netherlands Antilles 600
197 Jersey 577
198 Faroe Islands 463 1999
199 Bermuda 450 2002
200 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 440 2002
201 Seychelles 373 1997 est.
202 Northern Mariana Islands 362 1991
203 Macau 341 2002
204 Cook Islands 320 2000
205 Sao Tome and Principe 320 1999 est.
206 Saint Kitts and Nevis 320 1999 est
207 Andorra 269
208 Antigua and Barbuda 250 1999 est.
209 Liechtenstein 250
210 Micronesia, Federated States of 240 1999 est.
211 Christmas Island 240 2000
212 Niue 234 2001
213 Montserrat 227 2003
214 San Marino 220