, first Colored teacher in the D. C., 183.
Adams, John Quincy, remarks on the death of William Costin, 192.
Adams, Rufus, opposes school for Colored children in Conn., 150.
Aden, D., letter on the bravery of Negro troops, 348.
Africa, imported slaves ordered to be returned to, 12;
agents appointed by the United States for that purpose, 13;
proposed colony of free Negroes on the coast, 51;
a line of war steamers to be established, to suppress the
slave-trade, promote commerce, and colonize the coast, 53-55;
colonization of, by Negroes, opposed, 70;
the "Amistad" captives returned to, 93-96;
number of slaves imported from, 544.
African Methodist Episcopal Church, origin, growth, organization,
and influence, 135, 452;
numerical and financial strength, missionary and educational
spirit, 455-458;
publishing house, periodicals, and papers, 458, 459;
report of Wilberforce University for 1876, 455, 456;
list of the faculty, 460;
report and general statement, 462-464;
list of bishops, 464.
African School Association established, 157.
Aggressive Anti-Slavery Party, the, 50.
Alabama, formation of the territory of, the most cruel of slave
States, 3;
slave population, 1820, 22;
1830, 1840, 99;
1850, 100;
education of Negroes prohibited, 148;
recedes from the Union, 232;
number of Negro troops furnished by, 299;
represented in Congress by Negroes, 382;
comparative statistics of education, 388;
institution for the instruction of Negroes, 392;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Albany Atlas and Argus (The) denounces the Rev. Justin D. Fulton
for his views on slavery, 243.
Alexander, Francis A., his testimony in regard to the Fort Pillow
massacre, 372.
Allegheny City, Pa., Avery College founded, 177.
Allen, Rev. Richard, founder of the African Methodist Episcopal
Church, 452;
mentioned, 458;
first bishop of the Church, 459.
Alton, Ill., mob destroy printing-press, 51.
Ambush, James Enoch, founds the Wesleyan Seminary, 194.
American Anti-Slavery Society, organized, 43;
influence of, 79, 80.
American Colonization Society, organized, list of officers, 52;
commended, 68;
protest against the colonization of Negroes in Liberia, 69, 70,
73, 76.