ops furnished by, 300;
comparative statistics of education, 388;
institutions for the education of Negroes, 392;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Wetmore, Rev. James, teaches Negro slaves in New York, 165.
Whig party, opposed to slavery, 44;
Sumner's speech before the, 44;
convention of 1852, nominates Gen. Scott for the Presidency, 106;
defines its position on the slavery question, 107.
White, Rev. Sampson, Colored Baptist minister, 476.
Whiteworth, Abraham, member of the first American Methodist
conference, 466.
Whitfield, Rev. James, favors the education of Negroes, 160.
Wilberforce University, report for 1876, 455, 456;
list of the faculty, 460;
report and general statement, 462-464.
Wilcox, Samuel T., sketch of, 140.
Williams, Major, his testimony in regard to the Fort Pillow
massacre, 362.
Williams, Nelson, his connection with the Negro insurrection in
Southampton County, Va., 87.
Williams, Richard, representative of Baltimore in the first
conference of the African M. E. Church, 452.
Williams, Brig.-Gen. Thomas, order in regard to harboring fugitive
slaves in the army, 249.
Wilmington, Del., African School Association established, 157.
Wilson, Henry, introduces bill in Congress for the employment of
Negroes as soldiers, 287;
Gen. Thomas's letter to, on the efficiency of Negro soldiers, 344.
Wilson's Wharf, Negro troops defeat Gen. Fitz-Hugh Lee at the
battle of, 335.
Williamson, Edward, representative of Baltimore in the first
conference of the African M. E. Church, 452.
Wisconsin, number of Negro troops furnished by, 300;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Wool, Maj.-Gen. John E., orders the employment of Negroes in the
army, 260;
in command of troops during the draft riot at N. Y., 328.
Wormley, Mary, establishes school for Colored children, 205.
Wormley, William, erects school-house for Colored children, 205;
threatened by mob, his death, 206.
Wright, Richard, member of the first American Methodist
conference, 466.
Yearbry, Joseph, member of the first American Methodist
conference, 466.
Zane, Jonathan, bequest for the education of Colored people, 177.
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