he immigration
of free Negroes into, 123;
separate schools for Colored children established, the Free
Mission Institute destroyed by mob, 159;
number of Negro troops furnished by, 299;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422;
Negro elected to the Legislature, 447.
Indiana, slave population in the territory of, 1800, 2;
William Henry Harrison, appointed governor, 3;
memorial to Congress for the modification of the ordinance of
1787, 4-8;
slave population, 1810, 9,
1820, 22;
law in regard to executions against the time of service of
slaves, 119, 121;
Act for the introduction of Negroes, 120;
first constitution, Negroes excluded from giving testimony,
Act regulating free Negroes, 121;
Negroes denied the right of suffrage, 159;
number of Negro troops furnished by, 299;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Indians, list of, ordered to leave Mass., 130.
Institute for Colored Youth, established, 176.
Iowa, number of Negro troops furnished by, 299;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
"Isaac Smith," gun-boat, free Negroes captured from, 354.
Jackson, Alfred, fugitive slave, claimed by his master, 245;
leaves for Michigan, 246.
Jackson, Andrew, proclamation of, calling for Negro troops, War of
1812, 25;
orders the suppression of the Snow riot at Washington, D. C., 189.
Jackson, Edward, representative of Attleborough, Pa., in the first
conference of the African M. E. Church, 452.
Jackson, Fanny M., her birth, education, 448;
school-teacher, 449.
Jackson, Rev. Henry, Negroes excluded from the church of, 430.
Jarrot _vs._ Jarrot, case of, mentioned, 120.
Jay, John, president of the N. Y. Society for Promoting the
Manumission of Slaves, 167.
Jefferson, Thomas, recommends the abolishing of the slave-trade, 8;
predicts the abolition of slavery, 33;
condemns slavery, 35.
Jerusalem Court-House, Va., Negro insurrection at, 1831, 88.
Johnson, John, Negro sailor, his bravery and death, 30.
Jordan, Thomas, letter to Col. B. R. Rhett, Jr., relative to the
refusal of the Confederate army to exchange captured Negro
soldiers, 358.
Jordan _vs._ Smith, case of, mentioned, 113.
"Journal of