Colored girls, 196;
sketch of, 197-205.
Minnesota, number of Negro troops furnished by, 300;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Minot, William, address at the dedication of the Smith
school-house, 162.
Mississippi, slave population in territory of, 1800, 2;
one of the most cruel of slave States, 3;
formation of the territory of, 3;
slave population, 1810, 9;
applies for admission into the Union with a slave
constitution, 9;
slave population, 1820, 22, 1830, 1840, 99, 1850, 100;
education of Negroes prohibited, conduct of slaves regulated,
preaching the Gospel by slaves declared unlawful, 163;
secedes from the Union, 232;
number of Negro troops furnished by, 300;
1st regiment of Negroes at the battle of Milliken's Bend, 326;
represented in Congress by Negroes, 382;
Negro population in excess of the white, 386;
comparative statistics of education, 388;
institutions for the instruction of Negroes, 392, 393;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Missouri, applies for admission into the Union, 14;
Arkansas formed from, 15;
controversy, 16-20;
admitted into the Union, 20;
slave population, 1820, 22, 1830, 1840, 99, 1850, 100;
Negroes ordered to leave the State, education prohibited, 163;
order for the enlistment of Negroes, 290;
number of Negro troops furnished by, 300;
comparative statistics of education, 388;
institutions for the instruction of Negroes, 392;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the
U. S., 422.
Mitchell, Charles L., member of the Legislature of Mass., 446.
Mobile, Ala., educational privileges granted to the free Creoles, 148.
Monroe, James, message to Congress in regard to the slave-trade, 12.
Montes, Don Pedro, passenger on the Spanish slaver "Amistad,"
compelled by the slaves to navigate the ship, 93;
charged with piracy, 94.
Montgomery, Ala., Confederate States organized, 232.
Morgan, Rev. J. V. B., establishes school for Colored children, 209.
Morris, Catharine, contributes money for the education of Colored
people, 199.
Morris Island, S. C., battle on, Negro regiment leads the
assault, 313, 328, 329.
Morsell, Judge James, interested in the education of Colored
people, 207.