speech at the dinner of the Harvard Club, 442.
Greenlaw, William B., organizes company of Negro troops, 277.
Grimes, Rev. Leonard Andrew, Colored Baptist minister, sketch of
his life, 505-512;
death, 513;
resolutions on his death, 513-515.
Grow, G. A., Stanton's letters to, 279.
Guinea, memorial against the slave-trade on the coast of, 2.
Gurley, Rev. R. R., favors the colonization of free Negroes at
Liberia, 52, 70, 75.
Hall, Anne Maria, establishes school for Colored children, 183.
Hall, Primus, first school for Colored children, held in the house
of, 1798, 162.
Hallock, Maj.-Gen., Henry W., forbids fugitive slaves entering the
army, 247, 248.
Hamilton, Paul, circular letter to H. G. Campbell, in regard to the
importation of slaves, 10.
Hammond, Eliza Ann, arrested for attending school in Conn., 152.
Hampton, Va., school for the education of Negroes, 394;
normal and agricultural institute, 395.
Hampton, Fanny, establishes school for Colored children, 207.
Hampton Legion, defeated by Negro troops, 349.
Harden, Henry, representative of Baltimore in the first conference
of the African M. E. Church, 452.
Harper, Frances Ellen, essayist and lecturer, 419.
Harper's Ferry, Va., operations of John Brown at, 222, 224.
Harris, Sarah, protests of the citizens of Canterbury, Conn.,
against her attending school, 150.
Hartford, Conn., establishes a separate school for Colored
children, 149.
Harvard University, first Colored graduate, 439.
Hatcher's Run, Va., Negro troops engaged in the battle of, 335.
Havana, Cuba, Spanish slaver "Amistad" sails from, with slaves, 93.
Hayard, Elisha, mentioned, 187;
school-house destroyed by a mob, 189.
Hayes, Alexander, establishes school for Colored children, 209;
emancipated, his marriage, 210.
Hayes, Rutherford B., failure of his Southern policy, 522-524.
Hayti, opposition to the colonization of, by free Negroes, 70;
E. D. Bassett appointed Minister to, 423.
Heck, Barbara, foundress of American Methodism, 465.
Helena, Ark., bravery of Negro troops at battle of, 313.
Helper, Hinton R., influence of his book the "Impending Crisis," 60.
Henderson, Rev. Henry, school of, mentioned, 471.
Henry, Patrick, opposed to slavery, 33.
Heterodox Anti-Slavery Party, the platform of the, 48.