1830, 1840, 99;
1850, 100;
opposed to the education of Negroes, 149;
number of Negro troops furnished by, 299;
comparative statistics of education, 388;
institutions for the instruction of Negroes, 392;
ratifies the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the U. S.,
Asbury, Francis, member of the first American Methodist Conference,
and bishop of the Church, 468.
Ashley, James M., opposes the return of fugitive slaves, 246.
Ashum Institute, founded, list of trustees, 178.
Attucks Guards, a Colored militia company, organized, 145.
Auchmuty, Rev. Samuel, teaches Negro slaves in New York, 165.
Auld, Hugh, master of Frederick Douglass, 431, 432.
Austin, James T., signs memorial against the increase of slavery, 16.
Avery, Rev. Charles, founder of the Avery College, 177.
Baily, Frederick, see Douglass, Frederick.
Ball, Flamen, counsel for the Colored people in Cincinnati, 172.
Baltimore, Md., anti-slavery newspaper published, 38;
cargo of slaves sent to New Orleans, to be sold, 40;
Democratic and Whig conventions held at, 1852, 1853, 106;
St. Frances Academy founded, 160;
the Wells school established, 161.
Bancroft, George, views on the Declaration of Independence, 32.
Banks, Maj.-Gen. N. P., orders the enlistment of Negro troops, 290;
official report on the battle of Port Hudson, 322;
commends the Negro troops for their bravery, 323.
Baptist Church, Colored, organized, 135;
the members an intelligent and useful people, 475;
their leading ministers, 476;
sketch of Duke William Anderson, 476-503;
Leonard Andrew Grimes, 504-515.
Barclay, David, donates money to the Quakers, 174.
Barclay, Rev. Henry, advocates the education of Negro slaves, 165.
Bartram, Col. Nelson B., description of Colored regiment commanded
by, 292.
Bassett, Lieut.-Col. Chauncey J., commands the 1st La. regiment of
Colored troops at the battle of Port Hudson, 320.
Bassett, E. D., appointed U. S. minister to Hayti, 423.
Beams, Charlotte, establishes a school for Colored children, 213.
Beaufort, S. C., military savings bank for Negroes established, 403.
Beauregard, Gen. G. T., urges passage of the bill for the execution
of prisoners, 270.
Bell, George, former slave, founds a Colored school, 182.
Becraft, Maria, sketch of, 195, 196.