erage, 221
Deserts, cause of high temperature of, 132
Diagram of excentricity and precession, 129
Diagram of excentricity for three million years, 171
Dididae, how exterminated, 436
Didunculus, keeled sternum of, 437
Diospyros, in upper greensand of Greenland, 186
_Diplotaxis muralis_, on railway banks, 513
Dipnoi, discontinuity of, 69
Dipterus, 69
Discontinuity among North American birds, 67
Discontinuity a proof of antiquity, 69
Discontinuous generic areas, 23
Discontinuous areas, 64
why rare, 64
Dispersal of animals, 72
of land animals, how effected, 73, 76
along mountain-chains, 81
of seeds by wind, 80, 257
by birds, 81, 258
by ocean-currents, 81, 258
of Azorean plants, facilities for, 260
Distribution, changes of, shown by extinct animals, 102
how to explain anomalies of, 420
Drontheim mountains, peculiar mosses of, 368
Dobson, Mr., on bats of Japan, 394
on the affinities of _Mystacina tuberculata_, 474
Dodo, the, 436
aborted wings of, 437
Dryiophidae, 28
Dumeril, Professor, on lizards of Bourbon, 435
Duncan, Professor P. M., on ancient sea of central Australia, 496
Early history of New Zealand, 484
Earth's age, 210
East Asian birds, range of, 38
East and West Australian floras, geological explanation of, 494
Echidna, 30
Echimyidae, 27
Elevation of North America during glacial period, 154
causing diversion of gulf-stream, 154
Elwes, Mr. H. J., on distribution of Asiatic birds, 380
_Emberiza schoeniclus_, discontinuity of, 66
_E. passerina_, range of, 66
_E. pyrrhulina_, 66
Endemic genera of plants in Mauritius, &c., 443
Endemic genera of plants in New Zealand, 526
English plants in St. Helena, 297
Environment, change of, as modifying organisms, 225
_Eriocaulon septangulare_, 363
Ethiopian Region, definition of, 42
birds of, 43
Ettingshausen, Baron von, on the fossil flora of New Zealand, 499
on Australian plants in England, 518
Eucalyptus, wide range of, in Australia, 185
Eucalyptus and Acacia, why not in New Zealand, 507
Eucalyptus in Eocene of Sheppey, 518
Eupetes, distribution of, 25
Europe, Asia, &c., as zoological terms, 32
European birds, range of, 16
in Bermuda, 269
European occupation, effects of, in St. Helena, 294
European plants in New Zealand, 507
in Chile and Fuegia, 521
Everett, Mr., on Bornean birds, 377