e South Atlantic Ocean, 293
of the Sandwich Islands, 311
of the North Pacific with its submerged banks, 312
of British Isles and the 100-fathom bank, 333
of Borneo and Java, 374
of Japan and Formosa, 392
physical, of Madagascar, 413
of the Madagascar group, 415
of the Indian Ocean, 425
of Celebes, 452
of sea-bottom around New Zealand, 472
of Australia in Cretaceous period, 497
Marcou, Professor Jules, on the Pliocene and glacial epochs, 233
Marmot, range of, 15
Mars as illustrating glacial theories, 164, 168
Mars, no true ice-cap on, 166
Marsupials, range of, 30
Marsh, Prof. O. C., on the Atlantosaurus, 98
on Hesperornis, 481
Marsh, Mr., on camels as desert-makers, 296
Mascarene Islands, 428-445
Mascarene plants, curious relations of, 442
endemic genera of, 443
Mascarene flora, fragmentary character of, 444
abundance of ferns in, 445
Mauritius, Bourbon, and Rodriguez, 434
Measurements of geological time, 233
agreement of various estimates of, 235
concluding remarks on, 236
_Medicago sativa_ in New Zealand, 515
Megalaemidae, 27
Meleagris, 50
_Melilotus vulgaris_, on railway banks, 513
Meliphagidae, 47
Melliss, Mr., on the early history of St. Helena, 295
_Melospiza melodia_, variation of, 58
Merycotherium, 123
Meteorological causes as intensifying glaciation, 142
Migration caused by glacial epoch, 122
of birds to Bermuda, 267
of plants from north to south, 512
of plants and alterations of snow line, 516
of plants due to changes of climate, 517
of plants from north to south, long continued, 518
of plants aided by geological changes, 519
of plants by way of the Andes, 520
of plants by way of Himalayas and South Asia, 523
of plants through Africa, 524
Mild Arctic climates, stratigraphical evidence of, 187
causes of, 190
dependent on geographical changes, 191
effects of high excentricity on, 198
summary of causes of, 537
Miocene Arctic flora, 183
flora of Europe, 123
or Eocene floras, 185
deposits of Java, 385
fauna of Europe and North India, 419
Mississippi, matter carried away by, 172
Mitten, Mr. William, on peculiar British mosses and hepaticae, 365, 368
on temporary appearance of plants, 513
Mniotiltidae, a nearctic group, 49
Mnium, peculiar species of, in the Drontheim mountains, 368
Moas of New