P. palustris_, 19; discontinuous area of, 65
_P. rosea_, 340
_P. teneriffae_, 20
Passeres of the Sandwich Islands, 314
Past changes of New Zealand, 478
Payer, Lieut., on evaporation of ice during the Arctic summer, 140
Peculiar fauna of New Zealand, deductions from, 484
Pengelly, Mr., on submerged forests, 335
_Pennula millei_, in Sandwich Islands, 313
Permanence of continents, summary of evidence for, 103
Permian formation, indications of ice-action in, 200
Perodicticus, a local genus, 26
_Petroselinum segetum_, on railway bank, 514
Philippine Islands, 387
mammalia of, 387
birds of, 388
past history of, 389
_Phyllodactylus galapagensis_, 279
_Phylloscopus borealis_, range of, 15
Physical causes which determine distribution, 533
features of Formosa, 401
Pica, 17
Pickering, Dr., on the flora of the Sandwich Islands, 323
on temperate forms on mountains of the Sandwich Islands, 323
_Pithecia monachus_, distribution of, 18
_P. rufibarbata_, 18
Pitta, distribution of, 25
Plants, dispersal of, 80
seeds of, adapted for dispersal, 80
wide range of species and genera of, 185
poverty of, in Ireland, 339
peculiar British, 359
of Ireland not in Great Britain, 364
cause of their wide diffusion and narrow restriction, 369
easily dispersed often have restricted ranges, 504
how they migrate from north to south, 512
of existing genera throughout the Tertiary period, 520
southern migration of, by way of the Himalayas, 523
southern migration of, through Africa, 524
endemic genera of, in New Zealand, 526
Platypus, 30
_Plestiodon longirostris_ of Bermuda, 266
Po, matter carried away by, 173
Podargus, Australian genus, 47
Poecilozonites, peculiar to Bermuda, 270
_Poinciana regia_ in Madagascar, 440
Populus, fossil in Spitzbergen, 184
Pourtales, Count, on modern formation of chalk, 95
on sedimentary deposits in Gulf of Mexico, 222
Poverty in species of Britain, 338
Precession of Equinoxes, influence of, on climate, 126
Preservation of species, 63
Proboscidea, range of, 30
Proteus, why preserved, 63
Psophia, range of species of, 18
Pteroptochidae, 29
Pyrenean ibex, restricted range of, 15
Railways, new plants on, 513
Ramsay, Mr. Wardlaw, on Philippine birds, 388
Professor, on ancient land surfaces, 99
on geological time 212
on thickne