iation in the Australian Alps, 163
Leopard, enormous range of, 14
Lepidoptera, list of peculiar British, 347
Lepidosiren, 63
_Lepidosiren paradoxa_ and _L. annectens_, 69
Lepidosternidae, 27
Limestone as indicating change of sea and land, 84
_Limnaea involuta_, 356
_Linaria purpurea_, on railway bank, 514
_Liopelma hochstetteri_, in New Zealand, 483
Liotrichidae, 29
List of the land-birds of Celebes, 466
Lizard peculiar to the Mascarene Islands, 438
Lizards of the Galapagos, 278
local variation of colour of, 431
of New Zealand, 483
Lobeliaceae, abundance of, in the Sandwich Islands, 324
Locality of a species, importance of, 12
_Loddigesia mirabilis_, rarity of, 16
Lord, Mr., on species of Urotrichus, 394
Low-grade and high-grade heat, 145
Lowlands nowhere covered with perpetual snow, 136
Lundy Island, peculiar beetles of, 354
Lyell, Sir Charles, on permanence of continents, 84
on calcareous mud, 90
on the distribution of chalk, 93
on geographical causes as modifying climate, 148
on estimate of geological time, 211, 235
on classification of sedimentary rocks, 217
Lynxes, a Palaearctic group, 41
McLachlan, Mr., on peculiar British caddis-flies, 355
Madagascar, physical features of, 412
former condition of, 414
biological features of, 416
mammalia of, 416
reptiles of, 417
relation of, to Africa, 418
early history of, 419
birds of, in relation to "Lemuria," 422
flora of, 439
conclusion on fauna and flora of, 446
great antiquity of, 446
Madagascar and Africa, contrast of, 6
Maillard on animals of Bourbon, 435
Malay Islands, local peculiarities of flora in, 187
past history of, 389
Malayan birds in Formosa, 406
Mammalia of East Asia, range of, 34
of North Africa, range of, 34
Mammalia, dispersal of, 73
of Britain, range of, 33
poverty of, 329
of Borneo, 376
of Java, 382
of the Philippines, 387
of Japan, 393
of Formosa, 402
common to Formosa and India, 403
of Madagascar, 416
of Comoro Islands, 428
of Celebes, 455; whence derived, 457
of New Zealand, 474
Maori legend of origin of the forest-rat, 475
Maoris, their accounts of the moa, 477
Map of the old Rhone glacier, 110
of North and South Polar Regions, 138
of the Azores, 248
of Bermuda, 263
of the Galapagos, 276, 277
of th