Or wrathfull _Neptune_ did them driue before
4 His whirling charet, for exceeding feare:
For not one puffe of wind there did appeare,
6 That all the three thereat woxe much afrayd,
Vnweeting, what such horrour straunge did reare.
8 Eftsoones they saw an hideous hoast arrayd,
Of huge Sea monsters, such as liuing sence dismayd.
1 The waves come rolling, and the billows roar
2 Outrageously, as they enraged were,
Outrageously > Violently, intemperately
as > [either as though]
3 Or wrathful Neptune did them drive before
4 His whirling chariot, for exceeding fear:
5 For not one puff of wind there did appear,
6 That all the three thereat waxed much afraid,
That > [So that]
thereat > thereupon; as a result of that
waxed > grew
7 Unweeting what such horror strange did rear.
Unweeting > Not knowing
horror > horror; roughness (of the water)
rear > bring into existence, cause; _hence:_ portend
8 Eftsoons they saw a hideous host arrayed
Eftsoons > Soon, thereupon
hideous > immense; odious; hideous
host > army
9 Of huge sea-monsters, such as living sense dismayed.
Most vgly shapes, and horrible aspects,
2 Such as Dame Nature selfe mote feare to see,
Or shame, that euer should so fowle defects
4 From her most cunning hand escaped bee;
All dreadfull pourtraicts of deformitee:
6 Spring-headed _Hydraes_, and sea-shouldring Whales,
Great whirlpooles, which all fishes make to flee,
8 Bright Scolopendraes, arm'd with siluer scales,
Mighty +_Monoceros_+, with immeasured tayles.
9 _Monoceros_ > _Monoceroses sugg. Jortin, but Smith compares_
immeasored _with the four-syllabled _treasores_ in "The Visions
of Petrarch" 2:6. See also 212.33:4_
1 Most ugly shapes, and horrible aspects,
aspects > appearances; visages, faces
2 Such as Dame Nature herself might fear to see,
3 Or shame, that ever should so foul defects
shame > feel shame
so > such
4 From her most cunning hand escaped be;
cunning > clever, skilful
5 All dreadful portraits of deformity:
6 Spring-headed hydras, and sea-shouldering whales;
7 Great whirlpools, which all fishes make to flee;
whirlpool > {Some sort of large baleen-bearing whale, such as the
blue whale: "The Whales and Whirlepooles called Balaenae"
(Holland's Pliny, quoted in _OED_)}
8 Bright scolopendras, armed with silver scales;
scolopendra > {