epoole of decay_,
In which full many had with haplesse doole
4 Beene suncke, of whom no memorie did stay:
Whose circled waters rapt with whirling sway,
6 Like to a restlesse wheele, still running round,
Did couet, as they passed by that way,
8 To draw +their+ boate within the vtmost bound
Of his wide _Labyrinth_, and then to haue them dround.
8 their > the _1596, 1609_
1 On the other side they see that perilous pool
2 That called was the Whirlpool of Decay,
3 In which full many had with hapless dole
full > very
dole > grief, sorrow; deceit, guile
4 Been sunk, of whom no memory did stay:
stay > remain
5 Whose circled waters (rapt with whirling sway,
circled > {Encircled; formed in circular waves}
rapt > carried away, enraptured
sway > sweep, momentum
6 Like a restless wheel, still running round)
still > continuously
7 Did covet, as they passed by that way,
covet > desire
8 To draw their boat within the utmost bound
9 Of its wide labyrinth, and then to have them drowned.
But th'+heedfull+ Boateman strongly forth did stretch
2 His brawnie armes, and all his body straine,
That th'vtmost sandy breach they shortly fetch,
4 Whiles the dred daunger does behind remaine.
Suddeine they see from midst of all the Maine,
6 The surging waters like a mountaine rise,
And the great sea puft vp with proud disdaine,
8 To swell aboue the measure of his guise,
As threatning to deuoure all, that his powre despise.
1 heedfull > earnest _1590_
1 But the heedful boatman strongly forth did stretch
2 His brawny arms, and all his body strain,
3 That the utmost sandy breach they shortly fetch,
That > [So that]
breach > bay, inlet; breaking surf (the intention is unclear;
Hamilton (1980) surmises that the "sandy breach" might be the
extreme edge of the quicksand, the channel between it and the
fetch > reach, attain
4 While the dread danger does behind remain.
5 Sudden they see, from midst of all the main,
main > main ocean, high sea; _hence:_ sea
6 The surging waters like a mountain rise,
7 And the great sea puffed up with proud disdain
8 To swell above the measure of its guise,
guise > usual manner, usual appearance
9 As threatening to devour all that its power despise.
The waues come rolling, and the billowes rore
2 Outragiously, as they enraged we