eover, these
children do not know that they were born in the world, but believe
that they were born in heaven. Neither do they know about any other
than spiritual birth, which is effected through knowledges of good
and truth and through intelligence and wisdom, from which man is a
man; and as these are from the Lord they believe themselves to be the
Lord's own, and love to be so. Nevertheless it is possible for the
state of men who grow up on the earth to become as perfect as the
state of children who grow up in heaven, provided they put away
bodily and earthly loves, which are the loves of self and the world,
and receive in their place spiritual loves.
It is believed that in heaven the wise will have more glory and
eminence than the simple, because it is said in Daniel:
They that are intelligent shall shine as with the
brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to
righteousness as the stars for ever and ever (12:3).
But few know who are meant by the "intelligent" and by those that
"turn many to righteousness." The common belief is that they are such
as are called the accomplished and learned, especially such as have
taught in the church and have surpassed others in acquirements and in
preaching, and still more such among them as have converted many to
the faith. In the world all such are regarded as the intelligent;
nevertheless such are not the intelligent in heaven that are spoken
of in these words, unless their intelligence is heavenly
intelligence. What this is will now be told.
347. Heavenly intelligence is interior intelligence, arising from a
love for truth, not with any glory in the world nor any glory in
heaven as an end, but with the truth itself as an end, by which they
are inmostly affected and with which they are inmostly delighted.
Those who are affected by and delighted with the truth itself are
affected by and delighted with the light of heaven; and those who are
affected by and delighted with the light of heaven are also affected
by and delighted with Divine truth, and indeed with the Lord Himself;
for the light of heaven is Divine truth, and Divine truth is the Lord
in heaven (see above, n. 126-140). This light enters only into the
interiors of the mind; for the interiors of the mind are formed for
the reception of that light, and are affected by and delighted with
that light as it enters; for whatever flows in