to his will are perfected. The simple of this class are those whose
interiors have been opened, but not so enriched by spiritual, moral,
civil and natural truths. Such perceive truths when they hear them,
but do not see them in themselves. But the wise of this class are
those whose interiors have been both opened and enriched. Such both
see truths inwardly and perceive them. All this makes clear what true
intelligence is and what true wisdom is.
352. Spurious intelligence and wisdom is failing to see and perceive
from within what is true and what is good, and thereby what is false
and what is evil, but merely believing that to be true and good and
that to be false and evil which is said by others to be so, and then
confirming it. Because such see truth from some one else, and not
from the truth itself, they can seize upon and believe what is false
as readily as what is true, and can confirm it until it appears true;
for whatever is confirmed puts on the appearance of truth; and there
is nothing that can not be confirmed. The interiors of such are
opened only from beneath; but their exteriors are opened to the
extent that they have confirmed themselves. For this reason the light
from which they see is not the light of heaven but the light of the
world, which is called natural light [lumen]; and in that light
falsities can shine like truths; and when confirmed they can even
appear resplendent, but not in the light of heaven. Of this class
those are less intelligent and wise who have strongly confirmed
themselves, and those are more intelligent and wise who have less
strongly confirmed themselves. All this shows what spurious
intelligence and wisdom are. [2] But those are not included in this
class who in childhood supposed what they heard from their masters to
be true, if in a riper age, when they think from their own
understanding, they do not continue to hold fast to it, but long for
truth, and from that longing seek for it, and when they find it are
interiorly moved by it. Because such are moved by the truth for the
truth's sake they see the truth before they confirm it.{1} [3] This
may be illustrated by an example. There was a discussion among
spirits why animals are born into all the knowledge suited to their
nature, but man is not; and the reason was said to be that animals
are in the order of their life, and man is not, consequently man must
needs be led into order by means of what he learns of internal and