o be loved by the Lord is to love the Lord, since
love is reciprocal; for upon him who is loved the Lord bestows
ability to love.
351. It is believed in the world that those who have much knowledge,
whether it be knowledge of the teachings of the church and the Word
or of the sciences, have a more interior and keen vision of truth
than others, that is, are more intelligent and wise; and such have
this opinion of themselves. But what true intelligence and wisdom
are, and what spurious and false intelligence and wisdom are, shall
be told in what now follows. [2] True intelligence and wisdom is
seeing and perceiving what is true and good, and thereby what is
false and evil, and clearly distinguishing between them, and this
from an interior intuition and perception. With every man there are
interior faculties and exterior faculties; interior faculties
belonging to the internal or spiritual man, and exterior faculties
belonging to the exterior or natural man. Accordingly as man's
interiors are formed and made one with his exteriors man sees and
perceives. His interiors can be formed only in heaven, his exteriors
are formed in the world. When his interiors have been formed in
heaven the things they contain flow into his exteriors which are from
the world, and so form them that they correspond with, that is, act
as one with, his interiors; and when this is done man sees and
perceives from what is interior. The interiors can be formed only in
one way, namely, by man's looking to the Divine and to heaven, since,
as has been said, the interiors are formed in heaven; and man looks
to the Divine when he believes in the Divine, and believes that all
truth and good and consequently all intelligence and wisdom are from
the Divine; and man believes in the Divine when he is willing to be
led by the Divine. In this way and none other are the interiors of
man opened. [3] The man who is in that belief and in a life that is
in accordance with his belief has the ability and capacity to
understand and be wise; but to become intelligent and wise he must
learn many things, both things pertaining to heaven and things
pertaining to the world--things pertaining to heaven from the Word
and from the church, and things pertaining to the world from the
sciences. To the extent that man learns and applies to life he
becomes intelligent and wise, for to that extent the interior sight
belonging to his understanding and the interior affection belonging