elieve Divine truths until he is
convinced by means of knowledges [scientificis] will never
believe (n. 2094, 2832).
To enter from knowledge [scientificis] into the truths of
faith is contrary to order (n. 10236).
Those who do so become demented respecting the things of
heaven and the church (n. 128, 129, 130).
They fall into the falsities of evil (n. 232, 233, 6047).
In the other life when they think about spiritual matters
they become as it were drunken (n. 1072).
More respecting the character of such (n. 196).
Examples showing that things spiritual cannot be
comprehended when entered into through knowledges
[scientifica] (n. 233, 2094, 2196, 2203, 2209).
In spiritual things many of the learned are more demented
than the simple, for the reason that they are in a
negative state, which they confirm by means of the
knowledges [scientifica] which they have continually and
in abundance before their sight (n. 4760, 8629).
[8] Those who reason from knowledges [scientificis]
against the truths of faith reason keenly because they
reason from the fallacies of the senses, which are
engaging and convincing, because they cannot easily be
dispelled (n. 5700).
What things are fallacies of the senses, and what they are
(n. 5084, 5094, 6400, 6948).
Those that have no understanding of truth, and also those
that are in evil, are able to reason about the truths and
goods of faith, but are not able to understand them (n.
Intelligence does not consist in merely confirming dogma
but in seeing whether it is true or not before it is
confirmed (n. 4741, 6047).
[9] Knowledges [scientiae] are of no avail after death,
but only that which man has imbibed in his understanding
and life by means of knowledges [scientias] (n. 2480).
Still all knowledge [scientifica] remains after death,
although it is quiescent (n. 2476-2479, 2481-2486).
[10] Knowledge [scientifica] with the evil are falsities,
because they are adapted to evils, but with the good the
same knowledges are truths, because applied to what is
good (n. 6917).
True knowledges [scientifica] with the evil are not true,
however much they may appear to be true when uttered,
because there is evil within them (n. 10331).
[11] A