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(9) Barth, Paul. _Philosophie der Geschichte als Sociologie_. Erster
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(10) Rickert, Heinrich. _Die Grenzen der Naturwissenschaftlichen
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(11) Simmel, Georg. _Die Problems der Geschichtsphilosophie_. Eine
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(12) Mill, John Stuart. _A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and
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(13) Letelier, Valentin. _La Evolucion de la historia_. 2d ed. 2 vols.
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(14) Teggart, Frederick J. _The Processes of History._ New Haven, 1918.
(15) Znaniecki, Florian. _Cultural Reality._ Chicago, 1919.
(16) Hibben, J. G. "The Philosophical Aspects of Evolution,"
_Philosophical Review_, XIX (1910), 113-36.
(17) Bagehot, Walter. _Physics and Politics._ Or thoughts on the
application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance"
to political society. Chap. vi, "Verifiable Progress Politically
Considered," pp. 205-24. New York, 1906.
(18) Crawley, A. E. "The Unconscious Reason in Social Evolution,"
_Sociological Review_, VI (1913), 236-41.
(19) Froude, James A. "Essay on Progress," _Short Studies on Great
Subjects._ 2d Ser. II, 245-79, 4 vols. New York, 1888-91.
(20) Morley, John. "Some Thoughts on Progress," _Educational Review_,
XXIX (1905), 1-17.
(1) Spencer, Herbert. "Progress, Its Law and Cause," _Westminster
Review_, LXVII (1857), 445-85. [Reprinted in Everyman's edition of his
_Essays_, pp. 153-97. New York, 1866.]
(2) Federici, Romolo. _Les Lois du Progres._ II, 32-35, 44, 127, 136,
146-47, 158 ff., 223, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1888-91.
(3) Baldwin, James Mark. _Development and Evolution._ Including
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genetic modes. New York, 1902.
(4) Adams, Brooks. _The Law of Civilization and Decay._ An essay on
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(5) Kidd, Benjamin. _Principles of Western Civilization._ London, 1902.
(6) ----. _Social Evolution._ New ed. New York and London, 1896.
(7) Mueller-Lyer, F. _Phasen der Kultur und Richtungslinien des
Fortschritts._ Soziologische Ueberblicke. Muenchen, 1908.
(8) McGee