defined, 204-5;
as a form of accommodation groups, 50;
patterns of life of, 46;
separated by isolation, 230;
study of, 722.
CLEVER HANS, case of, 412-15.
_chap. xiii_, 865-952;
_bibliography_, 934-51;
defined, 865;
investigations and problems, 924-34;
and the origin of concerted activity, 32;
and social control, 785-86;
and social unrest, 866-67.
_See_ Crowd, Herd, Mass movements, Public.
defined, 195;
of society, 28.
COLLECTIVE FEELING, and collective thinking, 17.
COLLECTIVE MIND, and social control, 36-43.
application of Durkheim's conception of, 18;
contrasted with sensation, 193;
in the crowd, 894-95;
defined, 164-65, 195-96;
and intellectual life, 193-96;
and public opinion, 38.
and the division of labor, 718.
_bibliography_, 725-26;
a form of accommodation, 719;
and mobility, 302.
COMMON PURPOSE, as ideal, wish, and obligation, 33.
COMMUNISM, economic doctrine of, 558.
_bibliography_, 731-32;
study of, 724-25.
_bibliography_, 275-76; 426-29;
and art, 37;
basis of participation in community life, 763-66;
basis of society, 183-85;
basis of world-society, 343;
by blushing, 365-70;
concept, the medium of, 379-81;
extension of, by human invention, 343, 385-89;
a form of social interaction, 36;
and inter-stimulation, 37;
by laughing, 370-75;
in the lower animals, 375-79;
as the medium of social interaction, 341-43;
natural forms of, 356-75;
newspaper as medium of, 316-17;
role of the book in, 343;
study of, 421-23;
through the expression of the emotions, 342, 361-75;
through language and ideas, 375-89;
through the senses, 342, 356-61;
writing as a form of, 381-84.
_See_ Language, Newspaper, Publicity.
_bibliography_, 59, 219;
animal, 26;
defined, 161;
local and territorial, 50;
plant, _bibliography_, 217-18;
plant, organization of, 26, 173-80; 526-28;
plant, unity of, 198-99;
rural and urban, 56;
scale for grading, 1002 n.;
studies of, 211-12, 327-29.
COMMUNITY, as a constellation of social forces, 436, 493.
_chap, viii_, 505-65;
_bibliography_, 552-70;
and accommodation, 510-11, 664-65;
biological, 553-54;
changing forms of, 545-50;
conscious, as