, 16, _17_, 60, 147, 214, 215, 220, 640, 778, 849, 854.
Weygandt, W., 937.
Whately, Archbishop, 735.
Wheeler, G. C., 220.
Wheeler, William M., _167-70_, _180-82_, 214, 217, 554.
White, Andrew D., 647.
White, F. M., 655.
White, W. A., 500, 594-98.
Whitefield, George, 916 ff.
Whiting, Lilian, 949.
Whitley, W. T., 943.
Wigmore, John H., 854, 860, 861.
Wilberforce, William, 949.
Wilbert, Martin I., 569.
Wilde, Oscar, 151.
Willard, Frances E., 942, 950.
Willard, Josiah Flynt, 151.
Willcox, Walter F., 223, _1002-3_, 1010.
Williams, Daniel J., 781.
Williams, J. M., 212, 219, 223.
Williams, Whiting, 149.
Willoughby, W.W., 565.
Wilmanns, Karl, 153.
Wilson, D. L., 730.
Wilson, _Captain_ H. A., 637.
Wilson, Warren H., 219.
Windelband, Wilhelm, _8-10_, 286-646.
Windisch, H., 775.
Winship, A. E., 147.
Winston, L. G., _117-19_.
Wirth, M., 947.
Wishart, Alfred W., 274.
Wiston-Glynn, A. W., 947.
Witte, H., 946.
Wittenmyer, _Mrs._ Annie, _898-905_, 942.
Wolff, C. F., 967.
Wolman, Leo, 653.
Wood, Walter, 649, (ed).
Woodbury, Margaret, 859.
Woodhead, 179.
Woods, A., 655.
Woods, E. B., 1004.
Woods, Frederick A., 499, 854.
Woods, Robert A., 219, 331, 335, 566, 656 (ed.), 943.
Woodson, Carter G., 941.
Woodworth, R. S., 154.
Woolbert, C. H., 941.
Woolman, John, 151.
Wordsworth, William, _66_.
Worms, Emile, 649.
Worms, Rene, 28, _29_, 58, 61, 425, 649 (ed.), 729.
Wright, Arnold, 653.
Wright, Gordon, 886.
Wuensch, R., 939.
Wundt, Wilhelm, 21, 421, 422, 426, 427, 775, 777.
Wuttke, Heinrich, 427.
Xenopol, A. P., 649.
Yule, Henry, 276.
Zangwill, Israel, 734.
Zeeb, Frieda B., 942.
Zenker, E. V., 565.
Ziegler, T., 942.
Zimand, Savel, 943.
Zimmermann, Johann G., 271, 273.
Zimmern, Alfred E., 660, 729, 730.
Znaniecki, Florian, _47_, _52_, _57_, _59_, 144, 151, 222,
335, 501, 774, 935, 1006.
Zola, Emile, 141, _142_, 266, 334.
Zueblin, Charles, _955-56_, 1010.
_bibliography_, 725-26;
as a form of accommodation, 666, 671-74, 719.
_chap. x_, 663-733;
_bibliography_, 725-32;
and adaptation, 663-65;
and assimilation, 735-36;
and competition, 664-65;
and compromise, 706-8;
and conflict, 631-37, 669-70, 703-8;
creates social organization, 511;
defined, 663-64;
distinguished from assimilation, 5