) Keller, Albert G. _Societal Evolution._ New York, 1915.
(7) Dellepiane, A. "Le Progres et sa formule. La lutte pour le progres,"
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(8) Burgess, Ernest W. _The Function of Socialization in Social
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(9) Ellwood, C. A. "The Educational Theory of Social Progress,"
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(10) Bosanquet, Helen. "The Psychology of Social Progress,"
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(11) Perry, Ralph Barton. _The Moral Economy_. Chap, iv, "The Moral Test
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(12) Patten, S. N. "Theories of Progress," _American Economic Review_,
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(13) Alexander, H. B. "The Belief in God and Immortality as Factors in
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(1) Plato. _The Republic of Plato_. Translated into English by Benjamin
Jowett. 2 vols. Oxford, 1908.
(2) More, Thomas. _The "Utopia" of Sir Thomas More_. Ralph Robinson's
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(4) Kaufmann, Moritz. _Utopias, or Schemes of Social Improvement_. From
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(5) Bacon, Francis. _New Atlantis_. Oxford, 1915.
(6) Campanella, Tommaso. _La citta di sole e aforasmi politici_.
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(10) Cabet, Etienne. _Voyage en Icarie_. 5th ed. Paris, 1848.
(11) Butler, Samuel. _Erewhon: or over the Range_. New York, 1917.
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(12) ----. _Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later_. New York, 1901.
(13) Lytton, Edward Bulwer. _The Coming Race_. London, 1871.
(14) Bellamy, Edward. _Looking Backward, 2000-1887_. Boston, 1898.
(15) Morris, William. _News from Nowhere_. Or an epoch of rest, being
some chapters from a utopian romance. New York, 1910. [First published
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(16) Hertzka,